7 Facts About Harley Quinn In Batman Arkham City

7 Facts About Harley Quinn In Batman Arkham City – Harley Quinn fan? Here are interesting facts about Harley Quinn in the Batman Arkham City game that you didn’t know.
There are many characters in the Batman Arkham City game, one of which is Harley Quinn. Harley Quinn is a companion character to Batman’s arch-enemy, the Joker. Even so Harley’s role in this game becomes more important as the series progresses.
Not only that, the presence of Harley Quinn in the Batman Arkham City game also adds to the tension of the game. Here are interesting facts about Harley Quinn that no one knows.
Harley Quinn Facts
1. Harley is Married to the Joker
Everyone knows that the Joker and Harley Quinn have a complicated relationship and it makes people question how their relationship really is. Although it is not clear how much of a commitment they are, but in the Batman Arkham City game and its DLC, Harley Quinn’s Revenge. This game implies that Harley and Joker are actually married.
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Harley once called herself a widow. This also reinforces that in the Arkham Knight series, the two go on a honeymoon. Both Harley Quinn and Joker perform a ceremony to celebrate their love.
2. Costume Change
The second fact about Harley Quinn is the costume she wears. Harley has had a number of different appearances throughout the Batman Arkham Asylum franchise. But Harley’s classic looks are present in most games.
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In the Harley Quinn’s Revenge DLC series, Harley uses a darker and sadder costume or outfit. This is because Harley is in a period of mourning as a widow.
3. Harley Quinn Pregnant?
In Batman Arkham City, this series explores the relationship between Harley Quinn and the Joker from a unique perspective. This game series shows how Harley works alone without the Joker. This game also shows how the future of a Harley without the help of the Joker.
There are facts about Harley Quinn in this series that are quite astonishing. This fact shows that Harley is pregnant or pregnant. There are pregnancy tests that show positive signs that can be found and some other vague clues. But on DLC Harley Quinn’s Revenge, this series reveals many negative pregnancy tests and some give false positive results. So, in your opinion, Harley Quinn is pregnant or not?
4. Suicide
Harley Quinn’s character has indeed experienced a lot of development from her first appearance in Batman Arkham Asylum. In fact, in the Arkham City series, Harley has unstable emotions over the loss of the Joker.
Harley becomes angrier and makes the Joker’s enemies begin to fear his character. Harley’s actions became even more extreme which caused him to want to commit suicide. But in the Arkham Knight series, Harley’s emotions are under control and much better.
5. Ambiguous Gender
Maybe you feel strange with this number five Harley Quinn fact. But in the Batman Arkham City series, there is a moment where Harley Quinn’s gender is questioned and becomes a hot topic of conversation.
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Before Batman saved Catwomen from Two-Face, Batman had heard gossip from the inmates about Harley. It’s a strange moment but also an out-of-control rumor when he’s not with the Joker anymore.
6. Taking Over Operation Joker
Harley Quinn and Joker are the great villain couple from DC Comics. The two of them are a strong villain duo and always side by side. But in the Arkham City and Arkham Knight game series, this series forces Harley to form his own identity.
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Many people are asking, will Harley take over the power of the Joker? Is he still getting his role in Gotham? But the fact is, Harley Quinn quickly took over all of the Joker’s operations and built a new empire under his leadership.
7. Harley Tattoo Change
Getting into Harley Quinn’s last fact is about her tattoo change. Harley Quinn is one of the characters whose appearance is equipped with distinctive costumes and tattoos. In the Batman Arkham City game series, DC seems to have decided to remove Harley’s tattoo which is located on his right arm. In addition, Harley also has a new clown tattoo.
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Those are 7 facts about Harley Quinn in the Batman Arkham City series that people rarely know. How? The facts about Harley Quinn are interesting, aren’t they?
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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About the author: @ransltn
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