Here are 10 Bijuu Names in Naruto Shippunden, Complete! 1 to 10 . tail

Here are 10 Bijuu Names in Naruto Shippunden, Complete! 1 to 10 . tail – There are 10 beasts in the Naruto Shippunden series. Here is a complete list from tails one to tails ten.
Naruto’s Kurama is one of ten bijuu in the ninja world. Each tailed beast has a different number of tails, and each tail on the tail is a sign of the order of the tailed beasts. Naruto’s tailed beast is the ninth order, so there are still eight tailed beasts before Kurama, and one more tailed beast after Kurama.
This time Gamexran will discuss about ten bijuu in Naruto Shippunden, including Naruto’s bijuu, Kurama. Curious what the ten bijuu in Naruto Shipudden are? Let’s see the discussion below!
The name of the Bijuu in Naruto Shippunden
1. One Tail – Shukaku
Shukaku is Garaa’s bijuu in the form of a raccoon. Previously he was a priest who turned into a monster because of the power of Yamata no Orochi. As a bijuu creature, Shukaku has properties similar to a raccoon, which is playful and very silly. Even so, he has the power to manipulate sand and fire deadly wind cannons. That’s why Shukaku has blue stripes on his body.
2. The Two Tails – Matatabi
According to Japanese mythology, Matatabi was once an ordinary cat. But after continuing to grow year after year, Matatabi cut its tail in half. By deciding to cut off his tail, Matatabi believed that he would not turn into a monster like he feared. Matatabi is Yugito Nii’s tailed beast, he has the ability to control lightning and fire fire from his mouth.
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3. The Three-Tails – Isobu
This is the tailed beast of Kagura, the fourth Misukage of the village of Kirigakure. The Bijuu Isobu is in the form of a turtle that has the power of controlling water. Before becoming Kagura’s possession, he lived in the sea west of Japan. Isobu is so big, there will be very high waves when he only comes to the surface to take a breath. But unfortunately this three tailed Bijuu has been captured by Daidara and Tobi.
4. The Four Tails – Son Goku
If you’ve been following the Naruto Shippunden series, surely you’ll remember the episode where Naruto tried to talk and begged Son Goku for help. Before finally becoming Naruto’s friend, Son Goku was a bijuu belonging to a grandfather named Roushi. Goku’s powers are lava control and spewing poison gas. This one Bijuu can be said to be a bit stubborn, you must know how difficult it was for Naruto to convince Son Goku at that time.
5. Five Tails – Kukou
The five tailed beast Kukou has the body of a dog but the head of a dragon. Kukou is the only bijuu who can control the five elements, or the most of the other tailed beasts. Kukou can destroy the world very easily if he combines all five elements together. Kukou is an Iwagakure ninja pick bijuu who both master the five elements. Can you imagine the combination of these bijuu and jinchriki, how much damage they can produce.
6. The Six-Tails – Saiken
Saiken is a six-tailed beast belonging to an easy ninja, Utakata. This bijuu is shaped like a slimy snail. Although it looks harmless, but this bijuu can emit a very large amount of electricity. Saiken first appeared in Naruto Shippunden in episode 151, which was finally captured by Pain.
7. Seven Tails – Choumei
This one bijuu is shaped like a beetle and has a tail that is shorter and smaller than the other bijuu. The owner of the Choumei bijuu is a ninja named Kunoichi who comes from the village of Takigakure. Unfortunately no one knows for sure what the strength of the seven tailed beast in the Naruto Shippunden series is. But clearly, he is very skilled at destroying enemies using his feet.
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8. The Eight-Tails – Hachibi
Surely you are already familiar with this one bijuu. Hachibi is a beast belonging to Killer Bee in the form of an eight-tailed octopus. Hachibi’s power is to spit out huge fireballs. He was very instrumental in helping Naruto when the 4th Ninja world war was in progress.
9. The Nine-Tails – Kurama
Kurama is Naruto’s bijuu shaped like a fox or weasel. Kurama is the strongest of the nine tailed beasts. Not because he is Naruto’s bijuu, but because Kurama does have an unlimited number of chakras. The power of Kurama is fireballs that can destroy a village very easily.
10. Ten Tails – Juubi
This is the bijuu belonging to Rikudo Sennin, the only bijuu that has the sharingan and Rinnegan. But this bijuu split into nine other tailed beasts, from one tailed beast to nine tails. Juubi has extraordinary power because he controls all the elements in the world. Juubi was once captured by Obito but unfortunately he did not succeed in controlling the Juubi.
So that’s the list of 10 bijuu names in Naruto Shippunden. Of the ten bijuu above, which is your favorite bijuu, Gaess? If it’s Gamexran, it’s definitely Naruto’s bijuu, hehehe.
Source: Weird Occurrence
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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