Intel Creates AI That Can Turn Game Graphics Into Photo Realism
The development of technology in the Video Game Industry has recently grown quite rapidly. Previously we had gotten a technology called Ray-Tracing which is now a big breakthrough in the world of consoles. Even today’s Next-Gen consoles can use this technology. As if not to be outdone by this, Intel is finally preparing a new surprise. This surprise is apparently a proprietary AI technology Intel which can change the game Graphics to Photo Realism which is amazing.
Intel is developing a unique AI Technology which of course has the potential to become a new technology in the development of Visual games in the future. Given that Next-Gen consoles are now quite capable, this technology is a pretty big step up. However, what does this technology look like, can it really be as good as it sounds?
Intel Shows Beauty of AI Photo Realism Technology for Games

Recently, Intel Laps consisting of Stephan R. Richter, Hassan Abu Alhaija, and Vladlen Kolten showcased the Technology through his YouTube Video. By choosing Rockstar Games’ GTA V game, Intel was finally able to show a Visual change that almost looks like real life. If you watch the video, then you can feel that it looks like they deliberately recorded using a digital camera placed on a car.
Intel researchers themselves are quite surprised by this creation. He even admitted that this technology was created by their accident. The development process is quite difficult for them to complete. But this seems to be worth it considering the results themselves exceed their expectations. The Ai can translate GTA V’s Frame by Frame changes smoothly and very accurately without the slightest problem. Intel has finally shown more details about this amazing technology.
Through the Video Demonstration they provided, Intel finally provided information about the AI’s ability to compare their video data with the GTA V game. AI will have a special task to combine these two assets into one. Continuing this, the researcher said that the video assets they have are inspired by the Atmospheric Beauty of German cities. Gamers can also see the view of this German city through Cityscape’s dataset.
Great Potential In The Next Console Development?

As we already know, the AI finally succeeded in carrying out its task. Now GTA V can show the beauty of the German city through the game. With more authentic lighting changes, more indulgent Reflections, and more realistic rock and grass textures, gamers can finally experience real life in a Video Game. Of course, the technology that Intel developed is much better than Photo Realistic that they have developed so far.
Because they are still in the early stages of their development, Intel itself is still not sure when this technology can be enjoyed directly. However they have also provided much more Information through their Notes. What do you think, are you looking forward to trying this technology in the future? Don’t forget to keep visiting our site every day so you don’t miss the latest news, tips, and rumors about the world of Video Games and the Industry.
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