This is the answer to Lulu's Unhappy Quest Question in Ragnarok M Eternal Love

Unhappy Quest Lulu Ragnarok M Eternal Love
GridGames.ID – For newbie players in the game Ragnarok M Eternal Love, entering the dozens of levels is still often invited to go back and forth with the quests obtained.
Like when in Prontera West, you find a cat NPC named Tamir who gives a quest.

Quest NPC Tamir Ragnarok M Eternal Love
The quest requires us to go to a place called Duke Island.
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If we say yes, then we will automatically teleport to Duke Island, where there is a cat named Lulu.
Lulu will give us some questions and it’s really obligatory for us to answer so that this quest can continue and be completed.
Well, you have to know first what the answers to the questions given by Lulu are.
Check out the answer below, yes!
1. Favorite Food

Lulu Ragnarok M Eternal Love’s first question
The answer to this favorite food question is: MILK.
Then, what are the questions?
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