Co-Op Shooter Aliens: FireTeam Shows First Trailer
In March 2021, it seems we have received a lot of new game news related to Co-Op games. Because a few days ago we got information from Dev A Way Out about the presence of the latest game It Takes Two. Meanwhile, last night, to be exact, we had another new game that will bring us the nostalgic experience of playing Co-Op. Reportedly, the Co-Op Shooter Aliens: FireTeam has now received its first trailer.
Games with the Co-Op genre itself are indeed the choice of gamers to have fun with friends. Bringing teamwork and having easy-to-learn mechanics makes this genre even more enjoyable for us. There are so many games that carry the genre like this, especially with the Shooter element in it. So what makes this Aliens: FireTeam game different from other games? Here is the explanation.
Aliens: FireTeam Will Be Set In The Same Universe As The Movie

Aliens: FireTeam is a Third Person Shooter game that takes the same Universe theme as David Fincher’s Aliens Movie. If you’ve played Co-Op shooter games like L4D and World War Z, this game has more or less the same mechanics. Cold Iron Studios as the developer of this one game finally showed some details about this game in its trailer release. Co-Op in the game Aliens: FireTeam itself will consist of 3 players.
Having the main setting 23 years after the events of the film, Aliens: FireTeam will take us on an adventure to become the Colonial Marine USS. Endeavor. These 3 soldiers came to answer the emergency calls from the outside colonies to check things out. But in the end we are stuck in one of the ruins of the old facility which now has a new occupant. We will be shown a variety of familiar scenes in the style of a gripping Alien Movie.
Aliens: FireTeam Shows First Trailer
Through the trailer they showed for the first time, we will play as 3 classes, each of which has a Special Ability. This class consists of Gunner, Demolisher, and Technician. Meanwhile there are various enemy classes that they will present in this game. Because this game has the same Universe as the Alien Movie, then we will meet again with the Iconic Villain, the Alien of the Xenomorphs type. Yep, the same Alien as the Alien Isolation game.
There are 11 types of Xenomorphs present, and each type has a different power. Even though it only has 3 types of classes, players can actually choose various types of weapons in this game. As usual, this game still doesn’t have a definite release date regarding its release. Reportedly Aliens: FireTeam will be coming this summer and will be available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, and PC platforms. What do you think, are you interested in trying this game?
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