Must Know! This is the Explanation of Invalid Match in Mobile Legends

Invalid Match in Mobile Legends
GridGames.ID – Lately, many ML-ers are still confused about the concept invalid match made in Mobile Legends.
For players who have won but the result invalid, I’m sure I’d be upset that I didn’t get a star.
Well, GridGames wants to give a concrete explanation about iinvalid match in Mobile Legends so you don’t get confused anymore.
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Invalid match is a helper feature that can be obtained if one of the AFK team members (Away From Keyboard) in a long time.
Through this feature, teams that have AFK players will survive and the stars will not be lost later.
Unfortunately the star drop is still happening for one player room with the AFK player.
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AFK players in Mobile Legends
How to get good results invalid that is by making sure players are completely AFK for up to 3 minutes so that the system reads and allows the team to surrender.
Make sure everyone joins surrender so that match quickly stopped and the result became invalid later.
Do not forget to report AFK players to get punished from the system directly.
But if the AFK player returns before 3 minutes, the team will definitely not get the result invalid.
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Invalid match this still applies if in match there are enemies or players who have killed as long as the AFK player is still not in the game.
through invalid match, will help reduce players who often AFK, but still have to be careful yes.
Hopefully useful ML-ers!
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