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PUBG Indonesia National Championship 2018 results in Surabaya and Bali

PUBG Indonesia National Championship in the city of Surabaya and the island of Bali


PUBG Indonesia National Championship in the city of Surabaya and the island of Bali

GridGames.ID – Player Unknown Battleground or PUBG is indeed on the rise.

Apart from its mobile version, PUBG is also very popular on PC.

So don’t be surprised if PUBG has started to make eSports events a lot.

Likewise with the PUBG Indonesia National Championship 2018 (PINC 2018) which was held first.

Now PINC 2018 has reached two major cities in East Java and the island of Bali.

Also read: Lenovo is ready to raise eSports talent through the High School League)

The following are the releases for the Surabaya and Bali Qualifying PINC.

Last Saturday and Sunday, September 8 and 9 2018, PINC again held its qualification in 2 different cities, Surabaya and Bali.

Located in De’Panji, the Surabaya qualifier has found a winner.

SFI 4S, which is part of one of the rapidly growing eSports organizations, SFI Esports, managed to beat its opponents in the Surabaya qualification.


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