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LoL Wild Rift Champion Recommendations for those of you who are beginners

LoL Wild Rift Champion Recommendations for those of you who are beginners. League of Legends: Wild Rift has finally entered the closed beta test (CBT) stage and fortunately Indonesia is the first country to taste it.

The mobile version of the popular MOBA esports title from Riot Games called League of Legends has been welcomed by MOBA game lovers in Indonesia. Many have received invitations to play at this CBT LoL Wild Rift stage.

But for those of you who have never played League of Legends PC, you definitely have to adapt first. You must also be confused about the roles in LoL Wild Rift and the champions. Therefore, the following is the recommendation of Champion LoL Wild Rift for beginners.

ALSO READ: Guide to playing LoL Wild Rift for Mobile Legends players

Champion Recommendations

1. Master Yi (Jungler)

Master Yi

Master Yi is very easy to play as a jungler. He has great damage and attack speed as well as a fast clearing camp ability so that it will be effective.

Ultimate Master Yi, the Highlander, also makes himself effective when ganking because he gets immunity to slow, gaining 25% movement speed and 30% attack speed for 7 seconds.

2. Garen (Tank / Fighter)

Garen LoL Wild Rift

There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!

Garen has skills that are not difficult to use, especially his only ultimate target skill is called Demacian Justice.

Apart from that Garen is a very thick champion and has damage too, so you won’t feel like a “tank hitching a dead end” when you are in a war.

ALSO READ: 3 Reasons Mobile Legends (ML) Players Will Move to LoL Wild Rift!

3.Jinx (Marksman)

Jinx LoL Wild Rift

Talking about Marksman for beginners, Ashe might be chosen a lot, but because this champion was not found at the beginning, the choice fell to Jinx.

Champion with this shooting attack is easy to play. Even if you make physical damage and critical damage items for just basic attacks, Jinx has become a champion who easily kills enemies.

4. Soraka (Mage / Support)

Soraka Champion LoL Wild Rift

Soraka is perfect for mage support because it has the healing effect of his Astral Infusion and ultimate skill, Wish. You only need to maintain your position during war because these champions are often the target.

When the war occurs, heal your team and the effect is huge. Even among LoL PC players, they have a hard time winning the war if there is Soraka, because besides being easy to play, the healing effects are also very large.

5. Lux (Mage)

Lux LoL Wild Rift

Lux is perfect for beginners who want to play on the mid lane because its skills are easy to use. Light Binding (skill 1) can bind 2 enemy champions and the ultimate shoots light at enemies who are in the line of fire range.

Lux also has the Prismatic Barrier (skill 2) ability which throws Lux’s stick in the specified direction to get a shield for her teammates, making it perfect for party play.

Those are the 5 recommendations for LoL Wild Rift champions for spinners who want to try playing LoL Wild Rift. Don’t forget to visit the SPIN Website for other latest updates, and follow our Instagram and Youtube.

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