WhatsApp Gold Scams Are Rising Again in WA Groups, Beware of Hoaxes!
For those of you who often use the WA application on Android / iOS or WhatsApp Web, be careful because recently there have been scams and hoaxes that offer WhatsApp Gold offers. In “the promotionThis mode promises hidden WA features that can only be used by a handful of people, namely the rich, famous influencers and celebrities. This trap is used so that many people are interested in using it.
Actually this is an old mode that has happened about 2 years ago, where there was a notification about a special version of the WA application. However, this WA Gold hoax has re-emerged by taking advantage of the paid WhatsApp issue that will be enforced by Facebook. Even though the link provided by the chain message is quite dangerous for your cellphone.
WhatsApp Gold Scam Messages
Since WhatsApp was introduced in 2014 there have been quite a few cases of fraud or scammers like this, besides WA there are also hoaxes about Martinelli and Dance of the Pope. There are many versions of this WhatsApp Gold scam message, but the most commonly found are messages like this one.
Hey, finally the secret gold version of WhatsApp is out. This version is only used by famous celebrities. Now we can use it too.”
These messages usually vary but with the same intention, namely for you to download via the link included in the message. But you have to be very careful because the link provided is not an official link from the Play Store, App Store or official link from WhatsApp.
Check WA Gold Hoax Facts or Not
The link that accompanies the fraudulent message if you click it will be very dangerous, because instead of downloading the WhatsApp Gold application, you will instead install dangerous malware on your cellphone. One of the dangerous malware that is ready to lurk is Covidlock, where malware belongs to the mobile ransomware family and will encrypt or lock your cellphone. Warnings about this malware are also available on the official website of BSSN (National Cyber and Password Agency)
Through the FAQ page or the help center that you can find on the official website https://www.whatsapp.com/ it is clearly stated that WhatsApp only has two official products, namely WA which you are currently using and WhatsApp Business which can be downloaded officially via Play. Store or App Store. Apart from these two applications, it has been confirmed that it is a fraud.
Always Beware of Hoax News
That’s an important fact about the WhatsApp Gold scam which has become a hoax again in the WA group lately. If you get various messages that promise special features and ask you to click on the link provided, then you should delete and just ignore the message. This is the easiest way to anticipate this scam.
In addition, at this time you must be aware of another danger, namely HOAX which is spread very, very massively in Indonesia. Not only about WA Gold, there is still a lot of misleading information circulating in various WhatsApp Groups (WAG) such as baby videos that are going viral and tell you to eat eggs in the middle of the night.
WhatsApp Group (WAG) is your battleground now to straighten out misinformation. You have to be very vigilant about various hoaxes. Kabar Games has also reviewed the characteristics of hoax news and smart ways to overcome them that you can use as your weapon in the fight against hoaxes.
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