What is PUBG Mobile Scrim? Types & How to Join PUBG Mobile Scrim

What is PUBG Mobile Scrim? Types & How to Join PUBGM Scrim – Curious what is PUBG Mobile Scrim? The following is a complete explanation of the PUBG Mobile Scrim.
For those of you who are hearing for the first time what Scrim Pubg Mobile is. Here Gamexran will explain in full what is PUBGM scrim. In addition, Gamexran will also discuss the types of PUBGM Scrims. And how to join PUBGM scrim.
Because many don’t know what Scrim means in PUBGM. At first Gamexran will discuss what Scrim is. When you already know and understand the meaning of Scrim, it will be easier to explain the types of PUBGM scrim. Then after that you can decide whether you have to participate in scrim in PUBG Mobile.
What is PUBG Mobile Scrim?
What is PUBG Scrim? Scrim PUBG Mobile is a term for sparring or conducting a match. This sparring or match usually brings together many PUBG Mobile pro players.
Actually the term scrim or sparring is not only used in the PUBGM game, Gaess. All multiplayer games, especially games that are contested. They will have scrim or sparring. After knowing what Scrim pubgm is, then we will discuss about what is the purpose of the PUBG Mobile scrim? The purpose of the PUBGM Scrim itself is to do exercises. By continuing to practice, players can build communication and cohesiveness between teams or squads. READ ALSO: How to Find PUBG Mobile Bot in All Modes
PUBG Mobile Scrim Types
1. Scheduled Scrim
The first type of PUBGM Scrim is the Scheduled Scrim. This is a pre-scheduled type of scrim. Before doing scrim or sparring, usually the organizers will provide information a few days before the pubgm scrim starts. When the schedule is announced, usually the players or teams will register first.
2. Unscheduled or Impromptu Scrim
The second type of PUBGM scrim is the opposite of the first type of scrim. If the first type of scrim has been scheduled, then this type of scrim is not previously scheduled or impromptu, Gaess. Usually the organizer of this impromptu sparring will take advantage of the existing room on PUBG Mobile. They will create a room, then will spread the ID and Password from the room to the PUBG Mobile community.
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What is the difference between Scheduled Scrim and Impromptu Scrim? If Scrim is Scheduled, every participating player or team will be listed. Alias there is information about the player’s data. However, in an impromptu scrim, there will usually be a lot of random players participating. So that data about players or the team not known.
3. Scrim Ladies
From the name alone, you might already know that this scrim is specifically for female players. Because it’s only for female or female players, so no male players are allowed to join this scrim ladies. If there is a male player who participates, then that player will be blacklisted. Remember! Scrim Ladies have a game that requires every player who participates to confirm that they are really a woman. So don’t be careless, Gaess!
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4. Mixed Scrim
The last type of pubg mobile scrim is mixed scrim. This type of scrim allows all players to participate. Both female and male players can participate in this PUBGM scrim. Although mixed, usually the number of male players will be more than the number of female players.
How to Join PUBG Mobile Scrim
After knowing what pubgm scrim is and the types of scrim in the PUBGM game. Now it’s Gamexran’s time to talk about how to join pubg mobile scrim. To follow scrim at PUBGM, the method is very easy, Gaess. You just need to know the pubgm scrim schedule today.
- Monitor the social media owned by Tencent Games. Usually Tencent will announce the full scrim schedule with a list of players. But for this one method, usually Tencent has already gathered the players first. Players who take part in Scrim organized by Tencent are usually pro players or big teams.
- Join the PUBG Mobile community. There are many PUBG mobile communities scattered on social media. You just have to choose which community you want to join. Usually there will be many pubgm scrims held in each community.
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Ordinary players like me can participate in scrim, bro? That’s okay, Gaess! Actually there is no requirement which players can participate or not (except Tencent scrim). As long as you feel capable of fighting other players, that’s fine. But remember! Don’t cheat or use cheats while participating in the PUBGM scrim! Because you can get blacklisted and that is also a bad act or cheating.
That’s a complete explanation of what PUBG Mobile scrim is, its types and how to follow it. How? Do you understand now? ALSO READ: 5 M24 Weapon Locations in Erangel 2.0 PUBG Mobile.
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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Thank you.
About the author: @ransltn
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