These are the 5 Strongest Anime Characters, Goku is at Number 5?

These are the 5 Strongest Anime Characters, Goku is at Number 5? – Who is the most powerful anime character? Here are the 5 strongest anime characters besides Goku.
Did you know that there are actually the strongest anime characters among other anime characters throughout the anime world? When it comes to the most powerful anime character, a number of people will definitely point to Goku. Even though there are other anime characters who are much stronger than Goku.
Because of their power, they can threaten life in this world, Gaess. aka their strength is really over power. Here are the five strongest and most powerful anime characters.
The Strongest Anime Characters in the Anime World
5. Son Goku
If you think that Son Goku is the strongest anime character, you are wrong. Precisely out of five character Currently, Goku is in fifth place. Which means there are other anime characters who are stronger than Goku. Although Goku’s strength is extraordinary, especially in the last battle against Jiran. But you have to be content to accept that Goku is in fifth place.
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4. Beerus
Beerus is one character from the Dragon Ball anime. He is the ‘God of Destruction’. Beerus has just displayed his immense power in Dragon Ball Super, but it’s more than enough to understand that Beerus’ powers are on a whole different level and show that he is one of the most powerful anime characters in the world.
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3. Whis
If Beerus is already that strong, what about his teacher or mentor? Surely you can already imagine the power possessed by Whis. He taught Beerus the power to become the strongest being in the world. If Beerus had enormous power, then it was certain that Wish was much stronger than Beerus.
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2. Grand Priest
The next strongest anime character is the Grand Priest. Anyone agree that the Grand Priest deserves to be character the most powerful anime number two. Even Whis once said that the Grand Priest is one of the five strongest beings in all universes. Even Whis also said that his strength was nothing compared to that of a Grand Priest.
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1. Zeno Sama
You have to admit it, Gaess. Behind his ordinary appearance or look innocent. Zeno Sama is the strongest and most powerful anime character in all corners of the anime world. Even Zeno Sama is the most powerful character ever in anime history. Zeno Sama is the ruler of the entire multiverse in the Dragon Ball Universe. He became the most powerful anime character because he could erase the universe with just a snap of a finger.
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Those are the five strongest anime characters. Do you still not believe the list above? You can try to find the proof yourself, Gaess. That no one was stronger than the five of them. Maybe you think that Saitama is included in the list of the strongest creatures in anime, but unfortunately Saitama is not that strong. Even Jiren and Vegeta are still much stronger than Saitama.
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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About the author: @ransltn
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