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Dota 2 Update 7.23 Turns Out to Change the Entire Gameplay

It feels like the Dota 2 community has been waiting for patch 7.23 (The Outlanders Update) for a long time, and it’s finally out now. Patch 7.23 brings some amazing changes. The massive update that occurred in Dota 2 not only introduced two new heroes, but also changed the gameplay of the game no longer the same as we know it.

Although the headline for The Outlanders update was the addition of two new heroes, the backbone of the Patch 7.23 update is actually a gameplay change that will change the overall strategy. Here’s a quick look at the major updates that occurred in Dota 2 patch 7.23 (The Outlanders Update):

Added 2 New Heroes

Void Spirit and Snapfire

First, the new Dota 2 patch 7.23 update adds two new heroes to the battlefield. They are the carry hero Void Spirit and support hero Beatrix Snapfire. New characters are always fun, and Beatrix has a cool ability that allows her pet Mortimer or even a teammate to jump short distances.

There is a kind of prediction that this Void Spirit hero will bring big changes to the Dota 2 game. The reason is, the previous three Spirits, namely Earth, Ember, and Storm Spirit are also famous Chinese mythological characters.

Courier Gameplay Changes

  • Every player now has their own courier automatically
  • Couriers now also level up when heroes level up
  • Courier movement speed reduced from 380 to 275
  • Courier HP reduced from 75 to 70
  • Courier now provides 85 GPM while alive (this replaces the previously existing base 91 GPM)
  • Courier passively gain +10 movement speed, +10 HP and +2 GPM increase per level
  • Courier gains the ability to fly at level 5
  • Courier gains the Speed ​​Burst ability active at level 10 (6 sec duration + 50% MS, 120 CD)
  • Couriers gain the ability to use wards at level 15
  • Courier acquires the ability”Shield Active” at level 20 (2 seconds duration, 200 CD)
  • Couriers gain the ability to use items in general at level 25
  • Courier vision reduced from 350 to 200
  • Courier Team Bounty is now 25 + 5 * Level
  • Courier respawn time changed from 120/180 ground/fly to 50+7*Level
  • Ability “Courier Return Items” will now cause the courier to return home even if he doesn’t have the item

Update Gold Patch 7.23

  • Observer Wards no longer need gold
  • Every hero now starts the game with 3 Town Portal Scrolls for free
  • Gold obtained from destroying the Observer Ward, will now always be given to the player who purchased “The True Sight
  • Heroes that inflict damage or debuff on dead enemy heroes are now considered part of the area and will receive gold, even if they are no longer alive in the area.
  • Net Worth” factor ranking for gold changed from 1.3 -> 0.7 to 1.6 -> 0.4

Updates General Patch 7.23

  • Change the whole map view
  • Spell Immunity no longer gives 100% Magic Resistance (this means all spells capable of penetrating Spell Immunity, now also deal damage)
  • Side shop deleted
  • Bottle has been removed from the Secret Shop
  • All Secret Shop items are now exclusively in the Secret Shop (this means Ring of Health and Void Stones are no longer in base)
  • HP tier 2 tower increased from 1900 to 2000
  • Tier 2 tower armor increased from 15 to 16
  • Tier 2 tower damage increased from 152 to 175
  • Night Vision tower Tier 2+ increased from 800 to 1100
  • Glyph tower multishot target increased from 2 to 4
  • Glyph duration increased from 6 to 7
  • Denied towers now give half of the gold to the denied team and half to the opposing team (instead of 0 for both teams)
  • Siege damage to heroes increased from 85% to 100%
  • Fountain damage increased from 230 to 275
  • Fountain now has 20% accuracy
  • Heroes can now level up to level 30
  • Once the hero reaches level 30, all of the “Talent Tree“will open
  • XP requirement for these levels is 3500/4500/5500/6500/7500
  • Respawn time does not increase beyond 25
  • XP bounty max at level 25

Neutral Unit Change

  • Neutral Cloak Aura no longer stacks
  • Neutral Harpy Stormcrafter: Max mana reduced from 400 to 150
  • Neutral Harpy Stormcrafter: Mana Regeneration increased from 1 to 3
  • Neutral Mud Golem: Hurl Boulder damage reduced from 125 to 75
  • Neutral Ghost: Frost Attack movement slowed from 20 to 25%
  • Neutral Ghost: Frost Attack slows down from 20 to 25%
  • Neutral Vhoul Assassin: Poison debuff now applies 35% Regen Reduction
  • Neutral Centaur Conqueror: War Stomp cooldown reduced from 20 to 12
  • Neutral Dark Troll Summoner: Ensnare Cooldown reduced from 20 to 15
  • Neutral Dark Troll Summoner: Raise Dead cooldown reduced from 25 to 18
  • Neutral Ancient Thunderhide: War Drums Aura no longer deals bonus attack damage
  • Neutral Ancient Thunderhide: War Drums Aura now provides 40% Accuracy
  • Neutral Ancient Thunderhide: War Drums Aura’s attack speed bonus increased from 15 to 25
  • Neutral Ogre Frostmage: Armor bonus reduced from 8 to 6
  • Neutral Ogre Frostmage: Slow now also works against ranged units
  • Neutral Ogre Frostmage: Slow attack increased from 20 to 30

Neutral Item Change

Neutral now drops unique items that cannot be sold, but can be shared with teammates. There are five levels of items that drop during the game. In each tier, the odds are cut in half for each subsequent drop. Items of a certain type will only drop once per team.

Dropping of new items will start after 5 minutes. Neutral items haven’t been mentioned here because there are a total of 62! But Poor Man’s Shield is one of them, and the backpack slot increased from 3 to 4 in the Dota 2 game patch 7.23 update.

New Building Addition

Outpost is a new building to replace the side shop, where every team can connect and take orders. In the latest update patch 7.23 Outpost is inactive for the first 10 minutes of Dota 2 games. Benefits of controlling Outpost include:

  • XP bonus is 25*Min XP for each player
  • Provides 500 AoE Truesight
  • Only get bonus XP once per period, regardless of whether you control one or two outposts
  • Takes 6 seconds to teleport to the outpost

Updates Hero Patch 7.23

  • Ancient Apparition – scepter change
  • Bane – ability change
  • Chaos Knight – scepter change
  • Clinkz – ability change
  • Clockwerk – scepter change
  • Crystal Maiden – ability change
  • Dark Seer – scepter change
  • Dazzle – scepter change
  • Doom – scepter change
  • Drow ranger – ability change
  • Elder Titan – scepter change
  • Enchantress – scepter change
  • Faceless Void – scepter change
  • Huskar – scepter change
  • Invoker – scepter change
  • Io – ability change
  • Kunkka – scepter change
  • Lich – scepter change
  • Lifestrealer – ability change and scepter
  • Lone Druid – ability change
  • Luna – ability change
  • Lycan – ability change and scepter
  • Magnus – scepter change
  • Mars – ability change
  • Necrophos – scepter change
  • Oracle – scepter change
  • Outworld Devourer – ability change
  • Phantom Lancer – scepter change
  • Pudge – scepter change
  • Razor – ability change
  • Riki – ability change
  • Shadow Fiend – ability change
  • Silencer – ability change and scepter
  • Slark – scepter change
  • Sniper – scepter change
  • Sven – ability change and scepter
  • Treant Protector – ability change
  • Undying – ability change
  • Vengeful Spirit – ability change and scepter
  • Viper – Ability change
  • Wraith King – ability change

Apart from what news games have informed you above, there are many changes in item abilities and prices that you can see in more detail here. The Outlanders Update Patch 7.23 is sure to revolutionize Dota 2 gaming and take it to a dimension we’ve never experienced before. The impact of all these changes simultaneously may be difficult to predict, so stay tuned for further news from Kabar Games!

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