Wild Rift Announces Patch 2.1, Brings New Champ and Record Features!

Wild Rift
Wild RIft adds Record feature
GridGames.ID – The latest MOBA titled League of Legends: Wild Rift from Riot Games has finally announced the latest patch 2.1 update notes.
Patch 2.1 will present a variety of new content and features that provide more convenience for players.
The release of Patch 2.1 will be divided into three parts (2.1a, 2.1b, and 2.1c) within February to the end of March.
Take a peek at some of the upcoming content headed to Wild Rift over the next couple of months!
READ MORE: https://t.co/UjpQmiw8DL pic.twitter.com/lmERan5CRO
— League of Legends: Wild Rift (@wildrift) January 31, 2021
Also Read: Recommendations for the Worst Tristana Build in League of Legends: Wild Rift
Come on! What’s going on in Wild Rift patch 2.1?

Wild Rift
Chinese New Year Monster Event in Wild Rift
Interesting events will be added to support the player’s playing experience.
Titled Monster Lunar, you will be given the task of strengthening the relics of the past Chinese New Year and taming the monsters to save the world.

Wild Rift
Wild RIft adds Record feature
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