Super Nintendo World Opens February 2021, Presents 3 Interesting Rides

Universal Studios Japan
One of the rides in the Super Nintendo World theme park at Universal Studios Japan.
GridGames.ID – For those of you who love Nintendo consoles, you must be familiar with the characters Mario, Luigi, Yoshi and friends, right?
Well, these interesting characters, we can finally meet directly in the real world.
The reason is, Universal Japan Studio officially announced that it will open an amusement park with a Nintendo world theme.
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Although previously the information was just a figment due to the pandemic, they finally announced the exact date for the opening of the amusement park.
Through a tweet from Universal Studio Japan’s official Twitter account, they said that the new large Super Nintendo World Area will open on February 4th.
\ // 速 報
新 大規模 エ リ ア
2月4日(木)オープン決定????最新 鋭 技術 で 実 現 し た 「マ リ オ カ ー ト」 を は じ め, 日本 が 世界 に 誇 る, 任天堂 ゲ ー ム の 世界 が 現 実 に ✨
️#USJ #WeAreMario #SuperNintendoWorld
— (@USJ_Official) November 30, 2020
They also confirmed that the popular game from Nintendo will come using the latest technology and make it even more real.
Several attractions or rides are also presented in this modern amusement park.
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According to Universal Studio Japan’s official website, there are three rides that you can try, such as Mario Kart: Koopa’s Challenge, Yoshi’s Adventure, and Power Up Band Key Challenges.
Let’s take a deeper look!
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