Seven Knights - Time Wanderer, Game Made by Netmarble Will Release on Nintendo Switch

Seven Knights – Time Wanderer
GridGames.ID – One of the games made by Netmarble, Seven Knights – Time Wanderer, will reportedly be released on Nintendo Switch soon.
As we know, Netmarble itself usually presents games for mobile platforms.
With the inclusion of the Seven Knights – Time Wanderer game on the Nintendo Switch, this is the first time Netmarble has released a console game.
Netmarble revealed that the game will be coming to the Nintendo eShop in 40 countries on November 5.
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To celebrate its release, the latest content containing information about games that have never been released before can now be watched through Netmarble’s official Youtube channel.
The official website for Seven Knights – Time Wanderer has also been updated with information about all the characters in the game.
Not only that, there are still screenshots and a new soundtrack, and the last chapter of the promoted webtoon is also presented.
Players can see all the content that will appear when the game releases on November 5th in the new ‘Features’ tab.
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