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PS5 Reportedly Sold Out on the First Day, Purchased by Reseller!

GridGames.ID – On Thursday, November 12, 2020, Sony officially opened the gate for the first sale of their newest console, PlayStation 5.

Even though it was sold in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, the interest of the community and gamers around the world is actually getting higher, making the PS5 sold out. sold out, on the first day.

Like in Japan and Australia, which got the initial wave of PS5 sales due to the time zone ahead of the US or Europe.

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In Japan, the stock of the PS5 console is reportedly sold out in online retail stores, be it standard or digital versions.

In fact, as GridGames reports from a Reuters report, some stores have to vote for buyers because their stock is limited.

Different again with Australia, in this country the site for ordering PS5 is even difficult to access, because of the high probability of traffic on that site.

Read also: PS5 can be ordered from December in Indonesia, here’s how


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