Using Free Fire (FF) Beard Skins Can Get Banned, Here's the Reason!
This is the FF beard skin that many people are looking for, it turns out to be banned, you know!
Free Fire (FF) is one of the big games that has gone global in all continents, especially in Southeast Asia.
Since it was first released, many skins and costumes have been introduced to us.
Of all the bundles that have been introduced, some of these bundles are rare bundles that are in great demand by fans.
As Vigilante Bundle, Zombified Samurai Bundle, Dino Rangers Bundle, and much more.
Among these famous bundles, there is one accessory that is also being sought after, one of which is White Santa Beard Skin.
Yes, at the last Christmas 2018 event, this skin was distributed free of charge, and maybe some players haven’t had the opportunity to get it.
Unfortunately, in 2019 this skin is no longer out, and many still want to get this FF white beard skin.
But do you know that recently there have been many cases of this white beard? Here’s the information!
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Also read: Free Fire (FF) beard skin comes with a new version, here’s the leak!
FF White Beard Can Get Banned!
To be able to get this FF white beard, of course you need mod or a third application to get it.
The file of this item is of course still in the Free Fire system, all you need is how to get the script file and put it in your account.
As you know, using the third application in Free Fire or other online games is prohibited, so it can lead to being banned.

For those of you who still want to get this white beard skin, it is advisable not to do the above actions. However, if you still want to try, use another account or free account first.
Also Read: This Free Fire Cheat Will Make Your FF Account Permanently Banned!
So if now you are using a white Santa beard in Free Fire, it could be that FF will detect you are using a mod, so you have to be careful!
If you get it officially from the 2018 event then it’s okay, for those who use mods it is recommended not to use this skin for a while.
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