PBJL Season 2 2019 registration is open again until 6 September
GridGamesID – PBJL aka Point Blank Junior League is a national-scale Point Blank (PB) tournament specifically for players under 15 years old.
This year’s PBJL is held in two different seasons.
The first season was successfully held on July 17-9 August.
Seeing the extraordinary enthusiasm of the participants, Point Blank Indonesia reopened registration for PBJL Season 2.
The PB Indonesia website notes that this registration is open for a number of regions until 6 September 2019.
Season 2 itself will start today (31/8/2019) for the Central 1 area which consists of Cianjur, Bekasi, Depok, Tangerang, Cirebon, Jakarta 1, Jakarta 2, Bandung, and Bogor.
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Then followed by the Central 2 area one day later (1/9/2019) which includes Purwokerto, Madiun, Jember, Bali, Tegal, Tulungagung, Semarang, Jogjakarta, Surabaya, and Malang.

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