It's Exciting After the RRQ Team Meet And Greet Event in Malang with Kenboo!
GridGames.ID –Rex Regum Qeon (RRQ) was founded in October 2013, born by combining the best Indonesian players who are well known in the international gaming community.
At the end of 2017, Rex Regum started to expand into other games such as the popular FPS game, Point Blank and then to the highly successful mobile game Mobile Legends Bang Bang.
Currently Team RRQ has expanded to more than 8 game divisions including FREEFIRE, FIFA, APEX LEGENDS, PUBG and PUBGM by gathering some of the best talents not only in Indonesia but also regionally.
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The Rex Regum Qeon (RRQ) team holds a talk show Esports Industry Phenomenon In Indonesia with RRQ fans in Malang.
Located at Universitas Brawijaya Malang, 231 participants packed the Widyaloka Building, Universitas Brawijaya and showed their enthusiasm in the talk show.

RRQ Malang
Universitas Brawijaya is domiciled in Malang City, East Java, was established on January 5, 1963 by Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) Number 1 of 1963, and later confirmed by Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 196 of 1963 dated September 23, 1963.
UB has four campuses. The main campus is located in the west of Malang City (Ketawanggede), and the second campus is in Puncak Dieng or known as UB Dieng which is used for outdoor sports facilities, and several research and lecture facilities. Meanwhile, the third and fourth campuses are in Kediri and Jakarta.
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