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IGN Releases Interactive Genshin Impact Map For Beginners

GridGames.ID – As time goes on, it turns out that the popularity of Genshin Impact is actually increasing, which means that more and more players have just started playing.

The presence of several new characters is the reason and why more and more people are interested in this open world adventure game.

Talking about how many players have just started playing, GridGames has tips for you guys, especially for those of you who feel that the level is stuck here and there.

Also Read: Genshin Impact Presents Klee Character, Expert in Explosives

We all know, one way to level up quickly is to complete the main mission.

But unfortunately, there are some main missions that can only be unlocked when you have reached a certain level.

So, how do you level up without the main mission?

Also Read: The Elemental Crucible Event at Genshin Impact Has Started, Here are the Details!

It’s easy guys, you can complete side quests or go on an adventure to find bosses and chests.

Well, you must be wondering again, where is the boss and the points with chests? GridGames tells you this.


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