Hanzo Mobile Legends Too Over Power? This is Hanzo's Weakness

Hanzo, the new Assassin in Mobile Legends has just arrived on Advanced Server
GridGames.ID – Hanzo, the new assassin in Mobile Legends is officially here! original server right on this day, December 5, 2018.
The new hero will definitely become a subscription tire while playing rank mode, skills si Akuma ninja this is sadistic.
The reason is, he can use Ninjutsu very awesome with help “Ame no Habakiri”, runs towards the back line and kills the target without getting hurt.
Hanzo also has skills passive that can make him look scary, because skills This passive can suck energy from dead enemies around him.
Also Read: Hanzo Finally Released in Mobile Legends! This is Hanzo’s Painful Item Build
One of the advantages of Hanzo is that he has a Burst Damage very big area. Then he can easily kill buff monsters, can also penetrate walls.
From some of the explanations above, Hanzo’s figure becomes even more frightening if he is released just like that when rank mode.
So, Akuma ninja this is some time in the future it will be confirmed to be a very annoying hero and automatically hit tire.
Eits, it turns out that the latest Mobile Legends hero also has weaknesses, you know. What are Hanzo’s weaknesses?
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