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The Only Way to Stop a Train in GTA 5, STOP GUARANTEED!

how to stop train in gta 5

The Only Way to Stop a Train in GTA 5, STOP GUARANTEED! – Curious about how to stop the train in GTA 5? This method is guaranteed to work 100%, Gaess.

Almost all GTA 5 players say that the trains in GTA 5 can’t be stopped at all. They even tried various ways to stop the train. Some use hundreds of buses or tanks to stop trains from moving. Or some try to fire rockets at the train. Shoot the train driver, and so on. But all these methods did not work.

There’s actually one way to stop the train in GTA 5, and it’s 100% guaranteed to work. You don’t need to use 1000 buses or 1000 tanks to make the train stop. Just use this method.

How to Stop a Train in GTA 5

1. Go to Raton Canyon

how to stop train in gta 5

The first thing you have to do is go to Raton Canyon. Do one of the parachute jump challenges or according to the map image above. Run the parachute jump challenge mission. Please note that you can use any character to run this challenge.

2. Landing on the Train

how to stop train in gta 5

In this challenge, you will be invited to fly high by the pilot. You are also asked to land on a train that is running across the bridge. Do it right until you land on the train.

3. Stop the Train

how to stop train in gta 5

After successfully landing, wait a moment until the words ‘PASSED’ appear and click round. If you land on the body of the train, you have to walk at the front of the train. When you reach the front of the train, place a sticky bomb on the train engine. Place approximately 10 sticky bombs. After that, jump off the train. Be careful, don’t die when you jump off the train. If you have successfully jumped then immediately press ‘LEFT’ to detonate the sticky bomb. Instantly the train engine will explode and the train will successfully stop.

In this way, the train in GTA 5 will be successfully stopped because it is destroyed by a sticky bomb. You can also see that the train engine catches fire and turns black. That is a sign that the train can no longer be used, aka completely stopped. In addition, you can also destroy other parts of the train or the carriages carried by the train.

This is the only way to stop a train in GTA 5. You don’t have to bother using multiple buses, tanks, walls, or houses to stop the train. Simply run this parachute jump challenge and blast the train using a sticky bomb. If you’re curious, you can watch the video at link the following.

Also read the article rare weapon locations in GTA 5 (Molotov cocktails, baseball bats, crowbars and axes).

Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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