Explanation of 5 Posts and Hero Roles in Dota 2 that You Must Know!
GridGames.id – Dota 2 has 120 hero characters of varying complexity and complexity role which vary according to the skills and attributes they have.
As a game multiplayer which prioritizes cooperation between players, Dota 2 requires each player to choose a post and role according to the wishes and abilities of each player.
In general, post and role in Dota 2 has the same meaning, namely the main role of players in a match.
Also Read: Player’s 5 Favorite Carry Heroes on Patch 7.28 Dota 2, which is your choice?
There are 5 role The main elements in Dota 2 are Carry, Midlaner, Offlaner, Soft Support and Hard Support, here is a complete explanation of the 5 role and the Dota 2 post:
1. Hard Carry (Post 1)

Hero Hard Carry Anti Mage Dota 2
Hard Carry is a role whose job is to ‘carry’ the team to win.
This role plays a very important role when late in-game teamfight nor push towers.
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