Crazy! Kelly Clarkson Goes Crazy Playing Super Mario Bros 3 on NES

Kelly Clarkson Hobbies Playing Super Mario 3
GridGames.ID – This American singer who is quite popular named Kelly Clarkson is actually an expert in playing Super Mario Bros. 3. You know.
Kelly Clarkson owns a NES Classic or Nintendo Entertainment System and play it on the sidelines of a break from tour-his.
Singer “Since U Been Gone” This apparently can’t stop playing Super Mario Bros 3 on the NES, you know.
This was pointed out via Kelly’s own Twitter and considered that the NES was the best way to secure her voice while on tour.
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Other than reading, this is the only way to make me shut up on tour so I can save my voice for shows ???? #GodBlessMyNES #SuperMarioBros3 best video games ever invented #FightMeOnIt #EightiesBaby
— Kelly Clarkson (@kelly_clarkson) January 26, 2019
“Besides reading, this is the only way to keep my mouth shut while touring. So I can save my voice. #GodBlessMyNES #SuperMarioBros3 the best game ever found #FightMeOnIt #EightiesBaby” Kelly tweeted.
Kelly also didn’t forget to give her NES Classic form which looks very old school.
In an interview with Dave Paulson on USA Today, Kelly also revealed that he was crazy about the NES Classic, which was released in 1988.
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