Claude Becomes a Pirate? Wait for Starlight Member in November

November 2018 Starlight Member exclusive skin, Claude, Plunderous Pirates
GridGames.ID – Good news comes for those of you who really like using the overpowered marksman hero in this meta, namely Claude.
This skin called Plunderous Pirates by Claude will be a special skin for Starlight Members in November 2018.
Claude and his best friend the ape named Dexter will be wearing really cool pirate outfits.
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Dexter wears a hat with a typical pirate skull print with one eye patch with a face as if he is a fierce pirate ape.
Meanwhile, Claude, wearing a typical pirate collared shirt without buttons, so that his broad chest looks very sexy, you know. Wow!
His hair is still white, what makes the difference is, Claude wears a red headband which makes him look even more handsome. Duh, can enter the row of the most handsome heroes in Mobile Legends, Claude.
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As usual, to get the exclusive Starlight Member skin, you have to top up for 149 thousand rupiah. And automatically you will immediately get this cool skin.
Eits, but wait for next month, yes. November is just waiting for the day, really!
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