This Person Bought Games and Consoles at GameStop to Donate to Children's Hospital

Hunter Khan has donated his fortune to help a children’s hospital in Minnesota.
GridGames.ID – In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic that occurred, many hospitals (RS) had difficulty handling their patients.
In the midst of these difficulties, there is one generous person who tries to donate his wealth to help each other.
According to CNN, after acquiring thousands of GameStop shares last week, a 20-year-old college student used his newfound wealth to help pediatric patients at a local hospital.
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Hunter Khan, a mechanical engineering student at Cornell University, donated several Switch consoles and Switch games to Children’s Minnesota Hospital in Minneapolis.
He disbursed nearly $30,000 in GameStop stock last Wednesday, using some of it to buy the Switch console and its games.
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GameStop shares have indeed jumped 1.625% in the last few months.
The soaring percentage comes mostly due to a group of investors on Reddit.
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