Increased Gusion Damage, This is the Worst Gusion Build Let's Add GG!

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Gusion Mobile Legends
GridGames.ID – In the last update of Mobile Legends version 1.3.14, Gusion was buffed by increasing his basic damage by 10 at all levels. Then, what is the painful build gumon like?
This Assassin/Mage hero who has a Charge/Burst Damage specialist is a hero who at the beginning of his appearance was banned in rank mode, but this hero has been nerfed and is not often picked in rank mode.
After being buffed again, the attack produced by Gusion hurts even more.
Eits, to add damage or cause Gusion to get sicker, you have to choose a build item that is suitable for Gusion when in-game to add GG.
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This is the GridGames version of Gusion’s sickest item build, check it out!

Screenshots of Mobile Legends
Build Gusion Hurt Items
1. Rapid Boots
To speed up Gusion’s movement, you have to buy these shoes first.
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