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Must Know! These are 4 facts about Ragnarok in Indonesia from the Age of Glorious Warnet

Ragnarok M brings the nostalgia of the Ragnarok Online game to your smartphone grip.

Ragnarok M brings the nostalgia of the Ragnarok Online game to your smartphone grip.

GridGames.ID – Ragnarok Mobile seems to be in full swing now! Agreed, guys?

You see, the mobile version of the MMORPG game which has recently been released with the full name Ragnarok M: Eternal Love by Gravity has been downloaded millions of times since its release date at the end of last October.

Maybe some of you don’t know that Ragnarok is a game that was played by young people about 10 years ago or even more than that.

Well, for those of you who may not know, here are 4 Ragnarok facts that you need to know before playing Ragnarok M: Eternal Love.

Also Read: Crazy! Ragnarok M: Eternal Love Ranks 1 Download in 3 Countries

1. Released from Korea

Ragnarok was first released in 2002, at that time, only people in South Korea could play it, before finally getting the world’s attention and being released in many countries, including Indonesia.

Ragnarok is based on a story manhwa (manga from Korea) by a person named Lee Myung-jin.

At that time, young people often went to internet cafes (warnet) to play Ragnarok and compete to raise their level.

Now, all you have to do is play on your smartphone.

The next question, like the old school Ragnarok being played?


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