Crazy! eSport Officially Becomes a Department at the University in Semarang

Nimo TV
Nicodemus Widiutomo, Udinus Esports Program builder (second from right) signs a work agreement
GridGames.ID – The development of the game and eSports industry in Indonesia is very interesting to observe.
Behind the many pros and cons about the development of this industry, it is undeniable that there are many positive things that have been affected by the presence of this industry.
Starting from the contribution to the economy in the creative field, to the large number of creative workers involved.
The rapid growth of the game industry in Indonesia has made one university in Central Java decide to open an eSport program in the 2018/2019 academic year.
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Quoted from Nextren, Nicodemus Widiutomo as the builder of the Esports Program at Dian Nuswantoro University (Udinus), Semarang, Central Java said, “Playing games today is not just a hobby. Udinus sees great potential regarding the development of the game industry, if managed properly and equipped with with competent and character human resources.”
The focus of this major is the provision of skills, knowledge, and character, the end result of which is the emergence of prospective professional eSport athletes who are role models for the next generation.
Regarding the views of the pros and cons of the wider community regarding the development of the game and eSports industry in Indonesia at the age of students and college students, the man who also serves as Deputy General Chairperson of the Indonesian eSports Association (IeSPA) Central Java agrees that there is still such a stigma, especially among parents. .
“We are aware that there are still unfavorable opinions about gaming addiction. Therefore, we provide facilities and personal assistance so that students are not addicted.”
“However, education remains a top priority and we monitor and evaluate the final grades of each student.” Nico explained in his written statement to Nextren.
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