7 Most Painful and Best Marksman Heroes in Season 16 Mobile Legends

Gamenization – Marksman is one of the heroes in Mobile Legends. Marksman himself has a Hero with sick damage under Assassin’s, this marksman hero himself has high mobility because it is useful for helping every existing lane. In season 16 there are 14 Hero marksman, but there are some that are often played and used by Mobile Legends players because they have good skills and strengths so that it can make it easier to win the game. Well, on this occasion we will discuss the 7 Most Painful and Best Marksman Heroes in Season 16 of Mobile Legends, the following is the discussion.
1. Wan Wan

Wan Wan himself is still the favorite marksman Hero for Mobile Legends players, even up to season 16. The reason is of course because this Hero has high agility and deadly burst damage. Wan Wan is also equipped with crowd control skills that make her not easily kidnapped by enemy heroes. The ultimate problem he has is no doubt because it is really deadly, this skill will target one target and give it high enough damage if the target is successfully disabled it will target another target.
2. Karrie

Karrie is still the sickest and best marksman hero in season 16, thanks to her very capable and deadly skills. Karrie can kill tank heroes easily, this is because of her passive skill, no matter how thick the tank’s hitpoints are, it will actually cause greater damage so that the tank becomes very soft for Karrie. The attack speed and damage speed of this hero are also quite fast, so many Mobile Legends players are fighting over using this hero. Even though his attack distance is not far enough, this hero is still good to use.
3. Bruno

Bruno is now one of the marksman who has pain damage, since he was given a revamp some time ago. This hero is feared because of his burst damage, thanks to his passive skill dealing critical damage that can be stacked. Bruno is also an agile hero because of his 2nd skill, this skill can also give a stun effect if it hits the opponent. The ultimate skill is also quite dangerous for the opponent, especially in a war or gank position.
4. Claude

Claude is a marksman who is still popular to use in season 16 because his skills are quite sick. This hero is famous for its fairly fast attack speed, plus its combination with Dexter can do more damage to opponents. Claude can be deadly even in the early game even when combined with good items such as the Golden Staff and Demon Hunter Sword, the red buff is also very helpful in Claude’s ability in the early game. Indeed, this marksman is equipped with capable skills, skill 1 can steal the opponent’s speed, skill 2 can teleport, the most terrible thing is the ultimate skill because Claude and Dexter can attack enemies blindly around them.
5. Granger

Granger is indeed one of the marksman with really terrible burst damage. This hero is even able to compete with Lesley and Irithel, with only his 1 skill the enemy can die or die. Skill 1, Rhapsody, is able to provide high burst damage to paralyze the enemy. Granger’s Ultimate is really crazy, shooting enemies with three shots that can make it difficult for enemies to escape because the skill gives 80% slow effect. This hero is quite dangerous, even in the early game, no wonder many use it for push rank.
6. Kimmy

The next strongest marksman hero is Kimmy, besides being a marksman, he can also become a mage. Kimmy is usually often used in the mid lane because it can interfere with enemy marksman as well as farming minions. Although not classified as a marksman hero who has high burst damage, Kimmy has a fairly high DPS, you know. Kimmy can shoot while walking, so if you are being chased the enemy can still shoot at the enemy so they prefer to stop rather than continue chasing. His ultimate skill is also very useful because the cooldown time is quite short, so he can spam kill the enemy. Actually this hero is quite deadly and troublesome as long as it is used properly, although it is quite difficult to master it.
7. Irithel

Irithel is a marksman who has high damage in the late game, can even kill opponents with just two shots. Irithel can shoot while walking, this makes it difficult for him to be picked up or kidnapped by the enemy. Of course, the scariest thing about Irithel is his ultimate skill, this skill will do great damage, his basic attack can explode in an area so it is very suitable for teamfights. Unfortunately, this hero is weak in the early game because his damage is not much even if he is assisted with a red buff, the key is to be diligent in farming both minions and monsters so that leveling up is faster
Well, it looks like that’s all for this article, hopefully it can add information for all gamers friends. Don’t forget to stop by on this blog to get various interesting information about the world of games, especially about Mobile Legends, see you have a nice day.
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