5 Most Played Games on Steam in 2019
5 Most Played Games on Steam in 2019 – Steam is a digital distributing platform, which means that Steam is a place for distributing digital goods such as games, applications, software or other digital objects that are sold or given away for free by Steam. When you hear the name Steam, of course you will be focused on something, namely PC games because Steam is very well known as a provider of PC games and a place to buy or play the most popular games and is widely used by PC gamers, even though Steam does not only provide various games but also software and applications for PCs. Well, on this occasion what I will discuss are the most played games on Steam throughout 2019, so here is the list.

1. Dota 2
Dota 2 is a MOBA genre game that comes on Steam and is published and developed by Valve Corporation. This game is ranked first because Dota 2 has a lot of players who until now still often play Dota 2 games, even the numbers are very large and can occupy the top most played games on Steam. According to data from Steam, players from Dota 2 can reach around 600 thousand more and even 700 thousand per day throughout 2019. No wonder this game is very popular among Steam gamers because this game is really fun to play, especially since this game is given for free by Steam without having to buy it.
2. Counter Strike: Global Offensive
Counter Strike: Global Offensive or often called CSGO is an online FPS shooting game available on Steam. CSGO has become a popular FPS game among Steam gamers after Dota 2 because the CSGO game is a mainstay game because it can be obtained for free or free to play for Steam users. Data from Steam has shown that CSGO per day alone can reach 400 thousand to 600 thousand, this number is quite large and tolerable because this game is really in demand by Steam players.
Who is not familiar with the PUBG game, it is not surprising that since the emergence of this battle royale genre game, the PUBG game has become very popular and is often played by gamers who use Steam. According to data from Steam statistics per day, PUBG players can reach around 400 thousand and can reach the peak point to touch 600 thousand players, although it is not as great as it used to be, it can be more than that, even 1 million players, but PUBG still exists and is widely played until now it’s on Steam.
4. Destiny 2
Destiny 2 is a game developed by Bungie, this game takes the multiplayer shooter genre from a first-person perspective. In 2019, Destiny 2 got a decent profit and got a lot of players from Steam, according to data in Steam statistics Destiny 2 has reached around 100 thousand more players online and playing games per day. Indeed Destiny 2 deserves to be played because there are various advantages in its gameplay and the story is really interesting and makes the players curious.
5. GTA V
GTA V is an open world action game available for the GTA V Online version on Steam. This game itself since its release alone has sold hundreds of millions of copies to date, even more so on Steam, many GTA fans have bought and then downloaded this GTA V. According to data from Steam statistics on their official website, the GTA V game has received around 90 to 100 thousand more players per day and that number is likely to increase. It can’t be denied because GTA V has been in demand for a long time, so GTA V Online players still exist and often hold and participate in existing events and are provided by Rockstar Games.
That was information and a list of the 5 most played games on Steam throughout 2019, it turns out that there are indeed a lot of people who still play old games like Dota 2 or CSGO. The data that I took is reference data from the official website from Steam and most likely can change either up or down so I only write down the range because it is impossible for the number of players to remain static or not change. Hopefully this information can add insight for all readers and share this information if it is useful and important for readers or visitors, thank you.
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