10 Tips to Become a Famous and Successful Gaming Youtuber

Gamenization – Becoming a YouTuber is a dream that is highly coveted by the millennial generation as it is today. With the lure of working happily just by making videos and getting paid millions of rupiah by Adsense YouTube. Many millennials like today can be seen many aspire to be a Gaming YouTuber, namely a YouTuber who creates content with the theme of playing games or the term gaming. Indeed, many young people have managed to become famous and successful Gaming YouTubers, for example Miawaug, Jess No Limit, Afif Yulistian, and many other Gaming Youtubers. Well, indeed being a YouTuber is difficult and easy because there must be an intention and effort to become a successful and famous Gaming YouTuber, so on this occasion I will share 10 tips to become a famous and successful Gaming YouTuber, just take a look at the following tips this.
1. Content Is The King

The meaning of the term content is the king is that content is the “king”, so content is the main pillar of the YouTube channel. Even though we only have a smartphone, we can still create good and interesting content as long as we have the intention to create content. Look for gaming content that you can master or if you can create game content that is trending or already has many players. So, content is king because without content what is a game YouTube channel.
2. Start Creating Content From Games You Love

The easiest way to start creating YouTube gaming content is to create game content that you love or are good at. The topics you discuss can be varied, such as playing an android game that you like, playing a PC game that you are good at, or experimenting in a video game that you like and are good at. It’s actually quite easy if you create video game content that you like because you can provide an in-depth look that other Gaming YouTubers may not know about. Start creating video game content from what you like and master then expand the content to be wider.
3. Upload Content Regularly

Usually gamers who are looking for game content often check the latest game content and then watch it if there is a sequel then they are likely to watch it again. This is because today’s young generation often uses YouTube as a media source rather than conventional media channels. If you are diligent and routinely create video game content on your YouTube channel, your gamers and viewers will be happy to follow your channel and can even subscribe. There is no standard when you have to upload your video game content, it’s just that you upload content whether it’s daily or weekly, you can choose one and stick to the schedule, too.
4. Make It Serial

Make your audience feel at home with your content and keep them loyal. The trick is to make video game content into a series, the series itself can be interpreted as a collection of episodes. You can divide your gameplay into several interesting episodes, you also limit the duration of these episodes for example a few minutes or even hours then you move on to the next episode. With this technique, it is hoped that the audience will be more curious and continue to watch your YouTube serial video game content.
5. Be Trendsetter

YouTuber Gaming competition is indeed very tight because there are so many YouTubers who have jumped into creating video game content. Well, another way to compete with them a little easier is to become a Trendsetter or pioneer of new things in video games. Create original and interesting content from other Gaming Youtubers, or you can also discuss in depth the latest trends in video games. The easiest way to become a Trendsetter is to inform something new as quickly and interestingly as possible. For example, if you discuss certain meta games, leaks about game events or the presence of characters, skins, and items in video games, try to be the first to discuss this.
6. Listen to Audience Requests

Usually there are several viewers who will leave comments on the YouTube channel and it could be on your channel. They sometimes write requests in the comments to make certain content, sometimes there are also some who support the request. The request turned out to be an indication that they will most likely come back to watch video game content on your channel if you comply with their request, who knows, many of them also have the same opinion as the request. There’s nothing wrong with obeying the audience’s requests, maybe it could be an interlude in addition to the main content on your YouTube channel.
7. Take advantage of all existing social media channels

YouTube alone is not enough to introduce your gaming channel to people who don’t know your channel. Take advantage of other social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Blogger, and others. Try to introduce as well as branding your gaming channel to others, try to continue to interact with the community that is the target of your audience. For example, if you make an interesting post on social media about the gameplay of a game, you are likely to be able to reach more audiences from social media channels.
8. Invite Your Viewers To Share

The most effective promotion is from the audience, meaning that the audience shares your video with other viewers or their friends. Almost all videos that go viral on YouTube can happen because of the share effect of viewers who really enjoy the content of a creator. Of course, inviting your audience to share your video game content might bring in other viewers, so don’t be bored to invite them to share your video game content anywhere or with anyone.
9. Take advantage of YouTube Analytics

As a creator on YouTube you have been facilitated by YouTube to find out analytics and statistics about your YouTube channel. Armed with this tool, you can find out about your audience, where they come from, the duration of watching the video, where did they find out about your channel/video. Try to analyze the data in YouTube Analytics so that you can determine what content you will create next, so that your audience will be happy and feel cared for by the video creator.
10. Stay Focused and Keep Learning

There is no shortcut to becoming a successful and famous Gaming YouTuber, you have to keep learning and trying and focus on creating interesting video game content. Learn from many things such as criticism from your audience, learn from other channels, read or watch tips about YouTuber Gaming, and lots of learning references about YouTuber Gaming. Don’t forget to keep trying to focus on your channel, create interesting video game content. So, stay focused and keep learning so that your channel can be more successful and famous.
Well, my friend seems to be here for the article on this occasion. Hopefully this article is useful and becomes a reference material for all of you, especially for beginners Gaming YouTubers or those who want to become Gaming YouTubers. Don’t forget to apply the tips above to make your channel more recognized and successful, create really interesting and entertaining content, do it for fun. See you soon, stay updated on this blog.
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