10 Hero Meta Mobile Legends Season 18
Mobile Legends is now entering season 18, as usual there are various changes to the Meta hero if a change of season occurs. Not long ago, Mobile Legends also launched Project NEXT which gave a massive revamp to heroes, this is also the cause of Meta changes.
Every Meta change at the beginning of the season must be studied because so we can know how to use it in the game, especially the ranked mode. By studying Meta heroes and Meta strategies, we can be more careful in managing tactics and pick heroes.
Well, on this occasion we will discuss some Meta heroes in season 18. For that, just look at the article below so you can understand and understand the latest Meta at this time, right away.
1. Uranus

Uranus this time seems to still be included in the Meta mobile legends season 18 hero because he has superpower abilities in terms of endurance. Season 18 is still an arena for this tank to survive in this Meta even though some changes or revamp heroes have been launched.
Uranus has more abilities in terms of resistance and regen hitpoints, this is what makes it hard to die. This hero is very suitable to be a shield or war initiator whose job is to protect the hero core.
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2. Hilda

Hilda is currently a Meta season 18 hero because she has good abilities and is often used by many players. This hero is known to have decent toughness especially when fighting in the bush thanks to Hilda’s passive ability.
Besides being able to be used as a tank, Hilda also acts as a fighter, even her damage is not kidding, you know. If it’s true in building Hilda’s build then she can inflict great damage to the opponent, especially with a combination of skills.
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3. Layla

Layla recently received a revamp by Mobile Legends through Project NEXT which was present recently. As a result of the revamp, Layla is now a hero who is no longer weak but is getting stronger and becomes Meta.
In the past, Layla was rarely looked at by the players because besides being weak, she was also not very attractive. However, now Layla has often been picked by Mobile Legends players because of her ability in terms of damage and very far attack distance.
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4. Esmeralda

Esmeralda has entered Meta Mobile Legends many times, now she is entering again in season 18. Indeed, this can happen because Esmeralda is famous for her strength of endurance and stealing the opponent’s shield.
Esmeralda has entered the ranks of overpowered heroes because her absorption ability is strong and thick. It’s better if you meet this one hero, don’t go by one because you will definitely lose, just run away.
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5. Leomord

The current season of Leomord is increasingly being used by Mobile Legends players as a hyper carry. Leomord itself is actually very suitable if used as a hyper hero, especially since he has the ability to play games, especially in terms of critical hits.
Leomord’s ultimate skill is able to summon horses to help in the fight. Well, if he has summoned his favorite horse he is very hard to beat even if he is beaten.
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6. Khufra

Khufra has been a Meta hero several times in Mobile Legends. This tank hero has unique abilities and very strong defense, when war is definitely needed.
Khufra has crowd control skills because he is a CC specialist and a war initiator. He also has a skill that can throw himself at the opponent until he bounces up, this skill is suitable for ambush. In a state of war, Khufra is very reliable with his bounce balls skill and Ultimate skill.
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7. Pharsa

Pharsa is one of the mage heroes who has great and deadly damage, he deserves to be in the meta at this time. Pharsa just now often escapes banned heroes, this causes him to be picked up easily.
Pharsa himself is known to have great damage through his skills, the most painful is from the ultimate skill. If in a war situation then Pharsa issues the ultimate skill then the opponent can level up quickly. However, Pharsa must also be able to choose the right place to launch an attack so that it is not easily picked up by the opponent. This hero is also easy to escape with the skill of being a bird.
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8. Eudora

Eudora recently also got a revamp share through Project NEXT, this makes her the current season 18 meta hero. Before the revamp alone, he was already feared because of the great damage from his lightning skill. In fact, with this revamp, Eudora’s skill set is getting stronger.
This hero is an expert in stun because his skills can stun the opponent, so if you meet you have to be careful. The deadliest combo from Eudora is stun, stun, then issue the ultimate skill against auto killed.
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9. Balmond

Balmond is a tank and fighter hybrid hero, lately also often used by Mobile Legends players. This hero himself also some time ago got a buff in the Cyclone Sweep skill so that the damage was getting worse.
Balmond also has a decent level of resistance as he is also a half tank. Balmond himself is often built as a half-tank fighter so that resistance and damage are aligned. His ultimate skill is also very useful for by one, war, or stealing the opponent’s turtle/lord.
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10. Yu Zhong

Yu zhong this time is still in meta season 18, the reason is because he is still strong to use. This hero fighter is known to be strong both because of resistance and damage. Even though he was nerfed because he was too OP, Yu Zhong was still good and even became a meta.
He has a terrible ultimate skill that is able to turn him into a Dragon and then break the enemy ranks. In a war or team fight, Yu Zhong is very reliable because he can be a crowd control and the second tank in the team.
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So, those were 10 Hero Meta Mobile Legends Season 18, apparently there were some significant changes. The change is because there is Project NEXT and the change of season is quite reasonable. Hopefully it can be useful and add insight for you Mobile Legends players to know more about this Meta season 18.
See you in another article, stay and visit this blog so you don’t miss information about games, especially Mobile Legends. See you and greetings, Indonesian gamers.
Image Source: indoesports.com, grid.id, Google Images.
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