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What is the minimum diamond to draw the recall effect of bag bags?

How much is the minimum diamond to draw the bag bag recall effect in Mobile Legends (ML)?

The effect of the recall seal of anvil crawlers or what is commonly known as the recall effect of handbags is currently a grab for Mobile Legends players from around the world.

Because the most epic recall effect is back in the Mobile Legends game with a limited time.

Yep, it’s true that you currently have the opportunity to get the recall effect of this anvil crawlers in the shop, even if you have a diamond promo, it will be very cheap to get this recall effect.

But before that, you have to do gacha first, which like gacha-gacha in general, definitely requires a lot of diamonds.

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seal of anvil crawlers recall effect

Even though we even use diamond promos to get it, still sometimes you have to need more diamonds.

There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!

Regarding this, a question arises from the players who have not done the gacha. The recall effect is called seal of anvil crawlers.

The question is how many diamonds were spent on gacha? The recall effect?

Based on the Instagram comment column and the SPIN Esports mabar group We concluded that the diamond was needed For gacha bag recall, this bag cannot be determined.

bag bag recall effect

Sometimes people get it with only 1 time of gacha or there are 4,8,12 times of gacha or newer.

Back again, it all depends on your luck or your luck factor because we can’t mention the minimum diamonds to get this most epic recall effect.

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