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Udil Married! Is this the reason Udil decided to retire after MPL ID Season 7?

Udil Married! Is this the reason Udil decided to retire after MPL ID Season 7?

Previously in Ahmad’s video in Empetalk Jonathan Liandi, it was vaguely reported that Udil would retire after season 7. Is marriage the reason?

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The surprising news came from the MLBB pro player, Udil Surbakti, or a player with a full name Muhammad Julian Ardiansyah.

Today, to be precise, December 27, 2020. Udil is officially married to a woman named Hanidah Nur Rabbani.

This shocking news came through a tiktok account named @selenabiasa which recorded Udil when he agreed to the qabul in his sacred moment. This tiktok video was uploaded by Sn Snne via his YouTube account.

Udil fluently pronounced the consent of the qabul and became the legal husband of a woman named Hanidah Nur Rabbani.

Regarding this, the writer thinks that this is one of the reasons why Udil is reported to be pensi as stated by Ahmad, in Jonathan Liandi’s Empetalk video.

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There are also many netizens who think the same as the author that this is the reason why Udil was reported as a pensi, as recently informed by Ahmad. Congratulations, Udil!

Udil got married
source: tiktok @selenabiasa

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