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This is the most effective combination of 2021 Mobile Legends items!

This is second series from the discussion item in the Mobile Legends game. The first series discusses the function of each Mobile Legends item which is very easy to understand, so those who still don’t fully understand the use of each item are better read first, then come back here.

In the second series, SPIN will discuss about combination of mobile legends items 2021 which if used together will produce an effective synergy. What are the combos? There are a few, scroll down right away.

Item Type: Physical Attack

This is the combination of physical attack items that are effective in Mobile Legends 2020

1. Endless Battle + Blade of Despair (BOD)

This is the best-selling combination of physical items in meta for physical heroes! Almost all physical type heroes such as marksman, assassin, and fighter can make this combination item.

Blade of Despair (BOD) – Items with the largest physical damage bonus and damage to opponents whose HP is below half will hurt more. Endless Battle – After using the skill on the opponent, there is extra damage (60% true damage). So you can imagine this combo, the extra Endless Battle true damage it depends on your total physical attack. Because it is very suitable in combination with BOD which adds extra big damage.

2. Endless Battle + Thunder Belt

This item combo is suitable for purchase by heroes who often use combinations skill + basic attack. Examples that work well with this item combo: Karrie, Alpha, Thamuz, Lesley, and Dyrroth.

Endless Battle – After using the skill on the opponent, the basic attack will be much more painful (true damage). Thunderbelt – After using the skill on the opponent, the basic attack will get extra damage (true damage) & slow. And the cooldown of these two items is the same, only 1.5 seconds. So if you often spam skills, it’s really good to pay in installments to your opponent with extra damage & slow.

3. Scarlet Phantom + Berseker Fury

This item combo is perfect for relying marksman heroes critical to attack the enemy when using a basic attack. Examples that work well with this item combo: Yi-Sun-Shin, Irithel, Bruno, Lesley, and Hanabi.

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Scarlet Phantom – If your basic attack succeeds in critical success, your attack speed and critical probability will increase sharply. Berseker’s Fury – Your basic attack will be critical more often and the critical damage will hurt more. So the point is I have been critical more often, once critical hurts a lot!

4. Golden Staff + Demon Hunter Sword (DHS)

This item combo is very suitable for use by relying heroes attack speed quick for in installments opponent tanks quickly due to passive skills that support, without the need for critical. Examples that are suitable for using this item combo: Karrie, Badang, Sun and Claude. They are heroes who need some basic attacks to release passive skills that can kill tanks quickly.

Demon Hunter Sword (DHS) – Basic attack on thick HP tanks will be very painful. Golden Staff – Passive skills & item effects that require some basic attacks can be triggered with less basic attacks than without this item. So what previously needed 5x basic attacks for the passive came out, with this item only needed 3!

5. Blade of the Heptaseas + Malefic Roar

This item combo is very suitable for use by hero types assassin who only need 1-2 skills + hits can alreadyburst his opponent. Examples that work well with this item combo: Lancelot, Natalia, Bane, Chou, Jawhead, and Hilda.

Blade of the Heptaseas – The first physical attack on the opponent will be very painful (after not being hit / hit within 5 seconds). Malefic Roar – Basic attack turret & opponents with thick armor will be very translucent. And these two items have a function Physical Penetration – damage that ignores the enemy’s physical defense. So the strategy is just hide in the bush, then when the opponent looks just bursting with skill + basic attack, the hero opponent of the mage, MM, or assassin is guaranteed to disappear instantly.

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Item Type: Magic Attack

This is the combination of magical attack items that are effective in Mobile Legends 2020

1. Glowing Wand + Ice Queen Wand + Genius Wand

This is a magical item combination best seller in meta for mage type heroes! These three items are wand-type items! This is SPIN’s most favorite combination of mobile legends 2021 items. This combo item is most suitable for hero types mage support who have skills with low cooldown and can spam skills such as: Lunox, Valir, Chang’e, Nana, Gord, and Kagura.

Glowing Wand – Each use of the opponent’s hero skill will burn and take damage every second. Ice Queen Wand – Every time you use a skill on your opponent, your opponent’s movement speed will decrease. Genius Wand – Each hit skill will reduce the opponent’s magic defense. So this is the item combo that makes the current mage support heroes really resilient! Already hit slow, magic defense decreases, and burns every second. And the bonus is that your mage hero will get a fairly high movement speed of the three items.

2. Clock of Destiny + Lightning Truncheon

This item combo is very suitable for use by mage type heroes who have skills area + burst. Examples that work well with this item combo: Cecillion, Odette, Lunox, Vale, Eudora, and Pharsa.

Clock of Destiny – The longer you hold this item, the more HP and magic power will increase. Lightning Truncheon – Each skill will splash onto multiple opponents (Windtalker’s magic item). So these two items give the sum which one is big and Lightning Truncheon will function effectively because the damage depends on the number of your hero. This is why Cecillion and Pharsa can wipe out the minion wave with just 1 skill.

3. Genius Wand + Divine Glaive

This item combo is very suitable for use by mage type heroes in late game when the opposing heroes already have several items thick magic defense like Oracle & Athena Shield. It will be even more suitable when your hero is a hero with burst damage skills that can be spam such as Cecillion, Selena, Pharsa, Odette, Kagura, and Lunox.

Divine Glaive – Every skill that hits a hero with high magic defense will really penetrate. Genius Wand – Each hit skill will reduce the opponent’s magic defense. So if you want to have a magic defense of 100+, this combo item will instantly turn into paper!

4. Feather of Heaven + Calamity Reaper

This item combo is very suitable for use by hero types fighter mage many rely on basic attack after using the skill. Examples that work well with this item combo: Esmeralda, Guinevere, Harith, and Silvanna.

Calamity Reaper – After each skill, the basic attack on the opponent will be much more painful (the magic item is Endless Battle). Feather of Heaven – Each basic attack will get extra damage depending on the magic power it has. Your hero has attack speed + movement speed so fast, that’s how the skill + basic attack immediately gets additional big damage.

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Item Type: Defense

This is the combination of item defense that is effective in Mobile Legends 2020

1. Queen’s Wings + Rose Gold Meteor

This item combo is very effective for assassin, MM, or fighter heroes who need it attack and defense simultaneously. Heroes who are often seen using this item combo on late game: Alucard, Freya, Karrie, Ruby, and Dyrroth

Rose Gold Meteor – If your hero’s HP is dying, get a large shield temporarily. Queen’s Wings – If your hero’s HP is dying, the hero will suddenly become really hard / rhino. This is why heroes like Alucard or Dyrroth who already have this item combo will suddenly be very difficult to kill at the time. His cellphone is dying. It’s suddenly hard, can lifesteal, then get a big shield.

2. Oracle + Guardian Helmet

This item combo is very effective for tank heroes who have skills regeneration or use the Revitalize battle spell. Heroes who are effective using this item combination: Hylos and Uranus.

Oracle – Increase HP regen & shield from your hero. Guardian Helmet – Every time you leave your teamfight hero, you will get a very large HP regen. Imagine these two items plus the regeneration of the full stack passive Uranus + ulti + Revitalize, in a few seconds from dying his HP is full again! If you already have these 2 items, it’s guaranteed that you don’t need to recall to the base again to fill your cellphone.

3. Dominance Ice + Twilight Armor

One combination of mobile legends 2021 items that not many people know. This item combo is very effective for tank heroes who fight enemy heroes with physical damage bursts such as Aldous, Brody, Irithel, Lesley and Bruno. This hero is suitable for use by any tank hero when the game has passed 10 minutes and above when fighting hero bursts.

Dominance Ice – Reduces the opponent’s hero movement speed & attack speed when close to your hero. Twilight Armor – Anti damage burst, damage that immediately finishes off the hero HP quickly. So the combo is that the Twilight Armor will withstand the enemy’s burst damage, but the drawback is that Twilight Armor has a cooldown of 4 seconds so it can be burst by the enemy in 4 seconds.

Now here is the time for Dominance Ice’s role, this item functions to significantly reduce the enemy’s attack speed. So for example against Irithel whose crit is withheld at max 900 damage due to Twilight Armor, the next hit could have 2000 damage but his attack speed is slow so 4 seconds of cooldown of Twilight Armor has been refreshed. So your hero will be very difficult to burst by these physical heroes.

4. Bruteforce Breastplate + Thunderbelt

This item combo is very effective for fighter or tank heroes who need physical defense, have skills with fast cooldowns that can be used. spam, and with a basic attack interlude when the skill is on cooldown. Examples of heroes that are suitable for using this item combination are: Uranus, Yu Zhong, Belerick, Lapu Lapu, Jawhead, and Thamuz.

Brute Force Breastplate – After using skills, defense & movement speed will increase. Thunder Belt – After using the skill on the opponent, the basic attack will get extra damage & slow. So the hero who has this item combo will be easy to kite his opponent because your hero’s movement speed is fast and every basic attack can slow down the opponent.

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That is the explanation of the second series of items regarding combination of items Mobile Legends (ML) 2021. Don’t forget to apply this knowledge to your gameplay, because item combos can synergize and function more effectively when combined.

You can also check the youtube video below, the list is a bit different from the one SPIN has but still relevant in meta 2021:

If spinners have ideas for other mobile legends combination items, please comment in this article so that the author can include these combo items in this 2021 Mobile Legends (ML) item combination article.

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