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This Game Plagiarism One of the Dota 2 Heroes!

This Game Plagiarism One of the Dota 2 Heroes! The game developed by Valve and IceFrog, namely Dota 2, is one of the MOBA games that has managed to maintain its existence for a decade.

Maintaining the existence of a game is certainly not easy, considering there are many similar games like Dota 2. Call it League of Legends and Mobile Legends which are quite popular in Indonesia.

Apart from the same type of game, they also have almost similar character designs, because they take the same mythology or history as the basis for making a character.

But recently there is one game that can be said to plagiarize the design of 1 character. The game is called Mutants: Genetic Gladiators.

Seen in the official Facebook post for Mutants: Genetic Gladiators on August 17, 2020, they bring back a character named Wind Spirit whose design is familiar to Dota 2 lovers.

Yep, the design is very similar to one of Dota 2’s heroes, Ember Spirit. Starting from the design of clothes, weapons, hats and faces, everything is very similar to Ember Spirit from Dota 2. So it is not wrong that many say this game is a plagiarism of Dota 2.

Actually it is not wrong if the character design takes the same history or myth from Ember Spirit, but at least there must be a difference from the Ember Spirit Dota 2 design.

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Ember Spirit

According to spinners, is the Wind Spirit character design in Mutants: Genetic Gladiators very similar to the Ember Spirit hero in Dota 2? Don’t forget to keep visiting website us, to get the latest eSports news and follow it Facebook we!

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