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Things to Know About the PUBG M Vending Machine | SPIN

The PUBG Mobile 0.18 update brings changes to the Miramar map and becomes Miramar 2.0, which includes the addition of a Golden Mirado and a number of Vending Mechines. The Vending Mechine feature is one of the best features in the Miramar 2.0 map which allows players to collect a limited amount of energy drinks.

In Vending Mechine players can obtain up to 8 energy drinks. Energy drinks help players to increase their maximum heath or hit points if they are short on bandages or first aid kits.

In particular, each Vending Mechine can be used for a fixed amount of time and if a particular Vending Mechine runs out of energy drinks, players need to find another Vending Mechine in the PUBG Mobile game.

source: PUBG Mobile

Vending Mechine is only available in Miramar 2.0 and in various locations on the map. Since the spawn locations for Vending Mechines had not changed, searching for Vending Mechines in the same location was not a viable method for gathering energy drinks.

The term Jackpot is when a player gets a maximum of 8 energy drinks in a single purchase from a Vending Mechine, and the term “Sold Out” appears when all energy drinks from a Vending Mechine are used up.

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source: PUBG Mobile

There are several locations that can be spinners visit if you want to get energy drinks from Vending Mechine, namely:

1. Pecado Arena

2. L-Building near Pecado

3. Los Leones Offices

4. Restaurant San Martin

5. El Ajahar Small Compunds

Because the location has not changed, then visiting Vending Mechine can be a dangerous thing because there will be many players heading to Vending Mechine as well. Don’t forget to keep visiting website us, to get the latest eSports news!

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