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Biggest DotA 2 7.27 Patch Review - After One Week!

It’s been a week since DotA 2’s biggest update for the season, patch 7.27 came out. Although we haven’t seen the hero changes yet, there are a lot of changes to the items, which means that they also affect different heroes.

With that said, let’s see which heroes are the most popular in the game right now after the 7.27 patch.


Pudge is a hero chosen in this game. The reasoning behind this is quite simple – Pudge is really fun to play with. Even though it may not be as good as other roam support, it is still quite good in some cases.

The best thing about Pudge is that almost every late game Hook is a guaranteed kill. What’s more, this is also one of the fastest snowballing heroes in the game. (Snowballing is a hero who can dominate the opposing team – usually in the early or mid game)


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Sniper is one of the sickest mid laner heroes in the late game. He is also one of the favorite heroes. However, after the latest update, the pick for snipers has increased. One of the main reasons behind this was the item change, the most significant of which was the change to the Monkey King Bar (MKB).

MKB is an item that almost certainly every Sniper player in the game will buy. This item provides a lot of damage and attack speed, these are the two best statistics for this hero. Also, when we consider the fact that MKB items are now becoming cheaper, it’s not hard to see why the Sniper is the top choice for midlaner.

Therefore, we believe that maybe the sniper will be nerfed in this upcoming update. Valve won’t let people spam all that many powerful heroes without consequences.


The third hero on our list is a strong core hero, Juggernaut. Juggernaut is similar to Pudge in terms of popularity. This is one of the core heroes that players often choose, regardless of the current meta.

However, the latest item changes seem to work really well for this hero. Instead of the classic Battlefury build, more and more players are starting to focus on Monkey King Bar items. This might not be a big surprise, considering the fact that this item was a complete buff recently.

However, until the update for hero changes came out, Juggernaut was one of the best carry heroes to play right now.

Queen of Pain

Queen of Pain lately is not the most popular hero to be played. Even though he is really strong during all stages of the game, but many other heroes are probably better than him in his position.

However, this all changed when the Arcana was released. As we probably know, Battle Pass TI10 will reward us with free Arcana for this hero when you reach a certain level. Certainly, there are many players who want to play with this unique item, maybe that’s why this hero is soaring in popularity.

Other than that, the item changes didn’t have much effect on Queen of Pain. Most players still prefer to play with the long-played classic Orchid + Aghanim’s Scepter build.


The final hero on this list is Lion and that might not be that surprising. Lion has always been one of the most popular supports in the game for many reasons. Apart from the two Crowd Control skills that can make a big difference during team battles, Lion is also capable of doing a lot of damage. This makes it the top choice for most of the support players nowadays.

This is the spinners review for the big update of DotA 2 Patch 7.27 for in-game items. Who do you think, the hero that fits this update?

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