4 Hero Mobile Legends (ML) Doesn't Work Even though Overpowered (OP) Season 19
Here the author will share 4 Mobile Legends (ML) heroes who are actually approaching the Overpowered (OP) level. Surprisingly, these heroes don’t sell at all because players are used to meta heroes. In fact, you should play underrated heroes like this for 2 things:
- This hero is often buffed by Moonton, and will usually continue to be buffed until it becomes a meta hero
- Heroes who have meta will usually be nerfed continuously until they come out of meta
You could say that the Mobile Legends cycle is always like that, so when you are too comfortable with meta heroes, it will be dangerous when these heroes are heavily nerfed. This has happened to heroes such as: Uranus, Barats, Yu Zhong, Ling, Khufra and Esmeralda who have been nerfed by Moonton for the last few months.
If you use an OP hero but haven’t been caught yet, your chances of winning are higher because many opposing players are not used to fighting the hero so they are shocked and confused about how to counter it.
Here are 4 heroes in Mobile Legends (ML) that don’t sell, which are actually OP, but not many people know:
1. Belerick
Belerick is one of the most unsold tank heroes. Moonton realized this and buffed Belerick in the last few patches.
Belerick will get an additional 40% HP from every HP obtained from the item purchased. So you should always buy defense items with additional high HP for Belerick, for example items such as: Guardian Helmet, Twilight Armor, Immortality, Antique Cuirass, and also Athena Shield.
Then Belerick’s skill 1 is also buffed, so he can clear minions very quickly. You could say one of the tanks that can clear lane the fastest at this time, so Belerick can be faster to start rotation.
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2. Clint
Clint has also just been revamped in November 2020 ago. Since the revamp, Clint has 2 skills that can burst opponents quickly: skill 1 and ultimate.
Unlike the Marksman (MM) in general, Clint can farm quickly in the early game because of his skill 1 and passivity. Passive: Every time Clint uses a skill, the next auto attack will be strengthened and can penetrate (like Moskov). This makes farming minions and jungle monsters fast.
This hero is predicted to be a strong jungler in the Season 19 meta, but for some reason it hasn’t been selling well in rank matches. For those of you who want to try this hero, first learn about the Clint Revamp item guide and gameplay.
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3. Kaja
Before MPL Season 6, Kaja was actually a hero support which is used to enter meta. This is due to the ultimate which can attract 1 opponent and draw the hero to your team to be eliminated. However, because it is considered too strong, this ultimate is nerfed. The distance from the ultimate is shortened (you must stick to the opponent’s ulti) and also the ulti and flicker combo has been nerfed (no longer changing places instantly).
Now playing Kaja is more suitable to be sidelane / offlane. This is because skill 1 Kaja and passive are now getting sicker, especially for minions. So Kaja needs to farm and build damage items. Kaja’s damage can also be scaling well to the late game because the extra damage comes from the% max of the opponent’s HP.
The new combo is playing Kaja, which when hit by a soft hero can die immediately:
- Flicker to the opponent’s jungler (jungler uses retri, so it will be difficult for them to run from Kaja’s surprise gang)
- Skill 2 towards your team
- The auto attack hero
- Skill 1
- Auto attack once again
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4. Kimmy

The ML hero that didn’t sell even though the last overpowered (OP) was Kimmy. Since MPL Season 6, Kimmy feels lost from the surface. This was due to the birth of the Assassin meta jungler, where the Assassins could penetrate the backline and target Kimmy.
But in this Season 19 meta, it looks like the Assassin meta will fade and the MM meta will return. And this is good news for Kimmy because he is one of the best junglers to fight against other MMs especially in the early-mid game. Kimmy can farm quickly, pain damage + slow, and a long shooting distance compared to most other MM heroes.
We’ll see, spinners, will these heroes eventually become meta? Or it is enough to be a secret surprise pick for you loyal readers of SPIN Esports. If you have additional ML heroes that don’t sell even though it’s OP, comment directly below.
You can see how many win, pick, and tire rates are here: https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/rank
ALSO READ: Some Heroes Will Buff and Nerf Patch ML January 2021. Get ready!
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