3 Heroes with Many Tires MPL ID season 7 Week 2!
3 Heroes with Many Tires MPL ID season 7 Week 2!
The second MPL ID season 7 Week has finished. Interesting things emerged such as the Johnson side pick and Geek Fam ID’s victory over Evos Legends.
In addition, there are several statistics that appear, such as the most picked hero and the most banned hero in the MPL ID season 7 week 2.
In the second week, there are 2 heroes who have a tire rate of 100% or are banned in the 16 games presented in the MPL ID season 7 week 2.
1. Brody (16 Tires)

Brody is the first hero to be banned with a tire rate of 100% this week 2.
This hero is known to be very OP because with just a build tank, this hero still has great damage to fight his enemies.
This has been proven and seen during the last M2. This hero is used by KarlTzy, a player from Bren Esports with a build tank and as a result, this hero is very difficult to catch and overthrow.
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There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!
2. Natalia (16 Tires)
Natalia is a very troublesome assassin hero for her opponents.
Natalia also received a 100% tire rate on the second MPL ID season 7 week this time.
This hero is usually used as support in order to disturb the jungler and midlaner of the opponents it faces.
Natalia has a passive which makes her invisible on the map and has huge early damage.
That is why this hero is always banned in this MPL ID season week 2.
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3. Paquito (12 Tires)

Paquito is the third most banned hero in this MPL ID season on week 2.
Paquito is now a very troublesome fighter and has a lot of damage.
This can be seen when Paquito from the RRQ Team released, Paquito, who was used by R7, was able to mess up BTR players in RRQ’s first game against BTR.
That is what makes Paquito one of the most banned heroes in this MPL ID season on week 2.
Those are the 3 heroes who have been banned the most in the MPL ID season 7 week 2 this time. The 3 heroes who are heavily banned are indeed very troublesome if they are released into the right hands.
MPL ID season 7 still has 6 week regular season left. We will see if these heroes will be the heroes with the most bans or will change again in the future.
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