10 Candidates for Hero Meta Mobile Legends (ML) Season 19, You Will Be Surprised!
Mobile Legends (ML) has just reset their season from Season 18 to Season 19. There have been tons of battlefield and hero updates that happened a few days ago which will most likely change Meta ML drastically.
Meta heroes in season 18 such as Uranus, Barats, Esmeralda, Lunox, and Ling have also received quite a heavy nerf. So that the heroes above are no longer the heroes who always have to be picked or banned in every game, more so depending on the situation.
This is a good thing so that Meta ML can be more dynamic, that’s not all. There are also new heroes that were not very much noticed during Season 18 who could be meta in Season 19. Of these heroes, who are the potential meta heroes in Mobile Legends (ML) in Season 19?
1. Mathilda
Mathilda herself is the newest hero released by Mobile Legends. Like previous trends, new heroes are usually more overpowered (OP) than old heroes. So it is very possible that Mathilda will be seen in the Mobile Legends (ML) professional tournament in the future.
Mathilda herself is a quite flexible hero, similar to Chang’e. Can be played as support, sidelane, or even jungler. This is because the damage is painful, there are a lot of cc and shields, and also the fast movement speed. It seems that only time can tell which role is most suitable for this Mathilda hero.
2. Lapu-Lapu
Since Lapu-lapu was revamped, this hero has received enough attention. We have seen Lapu-lapu starting to be picked at the MPLI tournament some time ago. This is due to the large number of sidelane heroes that have been nerfed, and Lapu-lapu has pain damage with high durability, especially in the early-mid game phase. With more and more pro players and the public realizing the power of Lapu-lapu, it looks like this hero will be picked more often in the future.
ALSO READ: 10 Most Not-Selling Heroes in Mobile Legends (ML) Season 19! How come?
3. Claude

In the discussion of this article, some pro players predict that meta Marksman (MM) as a jungler can return in Season 19. And one of the MM heroes with the fastest farming skills is Claude.
There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!
Claude has also just been buffed with a significant increase in his ultimate damage, so it will be possible to become a champion for pro players again if MM meta really returns.
4. Luo Yi
Luo Yi was the scariest mage hero in season 17. Initially, this hero was often banned and picked in either the pro or rank scenes. After that this hero got some nerves that were bad enough to leave the meta in season 18.
However, slowly but surely, Moonton started buffing this hero. The combo of sick damage, Area of Effect (AOE) skills that can Crowd Control (CC), and the ability to surprise enemies with ultimate teleportation are still very good. So that the authors are not surprised that this hero will start to become a favorite support mage in the future.
5. Tigreal
Tigreal is a very tanky hero and also has surprising and extensive CC skills. But the drawback is that this hero is quite weak in the early game (cannot be riotous like Hilda or Jawhead) and is not good at ganking.
But because of Season 18 meta tank heroes like Hilda, Jawhead, and Khufra got quite bad nerf. Tigreal can be an alternative hero to pick as a solid tanker.
ALSO READ: Tips for Counter Hero Mobile Legends (ML) Most Overpowered (OP) Currently
6. Alpha

Alpha is a hero who had become a meta during MPL Season 2, about 2 years ago. Since then this hero has been completely nerfed and has since left Meta until now.
However, in the last 4 months, this hero received a pretty big buff from every update. The last severe buff really makes this hero a tough sidelane, because the cooldown of skills is drastically reduced so that it can be easily spammed. It will be interesting for us to monitor whether the buffs are enough to make Alpha a potential meta hero in Season 19.
7. Bruno
Bruno is one of the MMs with the most painful burst damage, especially in mid-late games. This hero really needs a good early game because he relies heavily on critical items to inflict great damage.
This hero has not been included in meta for a long time, only ONIC.Sanz has been trying to use it. And Sanz can prove that this hero can be an effective jungler. Especially now that he’s just in the buff, maybe more pro players will try Hyper Bruno in the future.
Gameplay of Bruno ONIC.Sanz vs EVOS Legends MPL S6 Playoff:
8. Estes

Estes is actually a very good support hero with his healing ability, especially since the buff in this recent update. However, Estes is very helpless when faced with hero role Assassins who are agile and can burst damage like Benedetta, Ling, and Lancelot. Estes who has no pain and CC damage will have a very hard time fighting these meta assassins.
Now that most assassins are nerfed, chances are that MM meta will come back. With this, Estes can become a surprise pick that can mess up your opponent’s strategy. Estes is good enough against MM because usually MM damage in the beginning does not hurt so it will be covered with Estes’ heal.
ALSO READ: How to Play the Correct Support Role in Mobile Legends (ML) Pro Player Version
9. Belerick
Similar to Alpha, Belerick is a hero who has received buffs consecutively in the last few months. With so many meta tank heroes nerfed, Belerick can be a solid alternative. Even though the writer still thinks that Tigreal is still 1 tier above this hero.
However, this can be assessed too quickly because this hero is actually quite strong due to the pain, high movement speed, and extensive AOE skills. You can see this for yourself in the EVOS.LJ video who was surprised by the new Belerick:
So it could be that the spinners of this hero become a meta ML candidate, because this hero is one of the most unsold heroes before.
10. Harley
Well, this is the author’s guess which will surely surprise you! Many players used to really like using Harley heroes.
Similar to Alpha, Harley is one of the most frightening specters in the early days of Mobile Legends released. Harley has high mobility and damage, making it very easy to pick up assassin heroes, MM, support soft opponents.
But like a mage assassin, Harley is only strong in the early-mid game. Usually in the late game when the opponent’s hero is thick, Harley’s damage will start to feel tasteless so that the team can lose if it doesn’t end quickly. This makes players see Harley as a pick that is too risky.
However, Harley just got a buff that will make this hero sicker even though his opponent buys a lot of magic defense items. Is this enough to get Harley into the meta? Let’s see together, yes spinners.
ALSO READ: Changes in META Jungler After the Latest Mobile Legends (ML) Update!
Note: It should be noted that 10 heroes are still meta “candidates”. Maybe there are other new heroes who can enter meta too. If you really see what the meta is going to be, the author will update the article.
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