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These are the 10 Handsome Heroes in Mobile Legends 2021

Hero in Mobile Legends means the character used by a player. Each hero has their own characteristics and background. Of course, everyone has one or more heroes that they like. Whether it’s from his ability, backgroundher, to her face. Therefore, in this discussion Gamedaim List will provide information about the list of 10 most handsome heroes in Mobile Legends.

In Mobile Legends itself there are lots of heroes with handsome faces. However, usually the ones who like them are the women. Because if men certainly do not pay too much attention to their physique.

Well, curious about the list of the most handsome heroes in Mobile Legends? Here we have summarized the information below.

List of 10 Handsome Heroes in Mobile Legends 2021

Keep in mind, everyone’s views in judging something of course are different. And this is only in accordance with the author’s view only.

1. Claude

The Handsome Hero in Mobile Legends Claude
Claude | UHDPaper

The first hero who has a handsome or handsome face in Mobile Legends is Claude. For player Mobile Legends must have known this hero, Claude is a hero with the Marksman role. He has a partner with a clever monkey named Dexter. His sweet smile will surely make many women melt his heart.

2. Valir

Valir | UHDPaper

Of course you don’t think that there is a Mage hero that is included in this list. Because most Mage heroes must have scary faces. However, unlike Valir, he has the ability to emit fire. Apart from being handsome, Valir also looks badass with style-his.

3. Lancelot

Lancelot 1
Lancelot | UHDPaper

Most of you definitely agree that Lancelot’s hero is one of the most handsome heroes in Mobile Legends. With her good looks, it’s only natural that a woman as beautiful as Odette would fall in love with Lancelot. When he saw it, Lancelot seemed to be a charismatic figure.

4. Nathan

Nathan | UHDPaper

This hero, which was just released some time ago, also has a charming face. Besides having a handsome face, Nathan also looks very cool, like describing playboy today. We can see this from the outfit and hairstyle, as well as using eye accessories.

5. Gusion

Gusion | UHDPaper

The next most handsome hero in Mobile Legends is Gusion. Gusion is one of the Assassin heroes who is not only handsome, but the strongest in Mobile Legends. Thanks to his graceful looks and skills, many Mobile Legends players, especially the girls who idolize this hero.

6. Zilong

Hero Zilong | UHDPaper

Zilong is a royal knight who has a handsome face and valiant characteristics. Especially when using the Shining Knight skin, Zilong’s face will definitely make women’s hearts melt. So it’s only natural that Zilong becomes one of their mainstay heroes

7. Granger

Handsome Hero Mobile Legends Granger
Granger | UHDPaper

Another hero with the role of Marksman is included in this list, he is Granger. Although from the outside he looks like a cold and indifferent man, on the inside, Granger is actually a kind and caring person. Of course, this is the attitude that most female players in Mobile Legends like.

8. Alucard

Alucard | UHDPaper

Even though he had experienced a change in his face under the name Dante, Alucard’s hero is still one of the most handsome heroes in Mobile Legends. What’s more, Alucard is a knight who comes from the Empire’s capital, it will definitely make more and more girls crazy about Alucard. It is even rumored that Alucard has had a female partner who also has a beautiful face, namely Miya.

9. Vale

Mobile Legends Vale's Handsome Hero
Vale | UHDPaper

Just like Valir, many peopleunderestimate Mage heroes like Vale. Even though image Mage heroes in the eyes of people are like magicians who definitely have scary faces, but Vale proves that not all Mage heroes are like that. Especially when using the Collector skin, damage it’s getting worse.

10. Leomord

The Handsome Hero in Mobile Legends Leomord
Leomord | UHDPaper

The most handsome hero in Mobile Legends who is included in this list falls to Leomord. Leomord has a hairstyle that is with the current trend. What’s more, he has a companion on a horse that always accompanies him wherever he goes. Surely there would be many women who wanted to ride a horse together with Leomord.

Well, that’s information about the list of 10 most handsome heroes in Mobile Legends. Who do you think is the most handsome hero? And are there other heroes that you think are also handsome but are not included in this list?

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