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Patch 1.2 releases, Cyberpunk 2077's performance is even worse

A few hours ago, CD Projekt Red released patch 1.2 for Cyberpunk 2077. Unfortunately, the 1.2 update patch made Cyberpunk 2077’s performance even worse, so some players complained about it.

Furthermore, players feel that the performance of Cyberpunk 2077 has deteriorated after the update.

Patch 1.2 Make Cyberpunk 2077 Performance Worse?

Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.2
Cyberpunk 2077 | Special

Through a discussion on the Reddit sub-forum, several PC users reported problems related to Cyberpunk 2077. In their report, they mentioned that there was a problem with the launcher games and also frame rate which has decreased. Not only that, some users say that their GPU has problems when running this game.

A user reported that yesterday, before the patch was released, Cyberpunk 2077 was running smoothly. Unfortunately, the player is now getting a problem where his computer screen turns black.

Even so, there are still many players who say that they can still play Cyberpunk 2077 as usual. However, given that some players are unable to run Cyberpunk 2077, it is likely that there will be more reports of patch 1.2.

One Redditor named Russian_Bass said that Cyberpunk 2077 was only able to run frame rate around 17 FPS. Previously, he was able to run this game at 90 FPS with Ultra settings.

Some Details Regarding Patch 1.2

Patch.12 Cyberpunk 2077
Patch.12 Cyberpunk 2077 | CD Project Red

Referring to the available information, CD Projekt Red has resolved technical problems on several basic matters such as audio, UI, as well as character animations and also the visual side that has been improved. Not only that, the developer also brings options ray-tracing AMD graphics card users.

Apart from fixing some basic things, CD Projekt Red also fixes a few things problem on the side quest. For example, the poster in Stadium Love can’t be destroyed anymore. At least, there are many quest which is undergoing an update in the upcoming 1.2 patch. For the Open World section, the developer has also resolved several existing problems.

Problems like bugs and glitch that players find in patch 1.1 will be completed through the next patch. In terms of performance, CD Projekt Red has minimized various bugs which makes players feel uncomfortable when playing Cyberpunk 2077. One way is that players can hide existing NPCs to reduce rendering in the game.

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