In order to be released on PS5, Ubisoft delays the release schedule of Watch Dogs: Legion

Ubisoft Postpones Watch Dogs: Legion Release Schedule. Why?
The release schedule for a game release is possible. As we know that a few days ago Sony and Naughty Dog announced the postponement The Last of Us Part 2, this time the release schedule setback came from UbiSoft.
Ubisoft himself has made an announcement regarding the game Watch Dogs: Legion which will be released on March 6, 2021. But unfortunately, Ubisoft had to change the release schedule for the Watch Dogs: Legion game by month July until December 2021 coming. It’s not just the Watch Dogs: Legion game that has been officially postponed by Ubisoft, it turns out that there are two other games, namely Gods & Monsters and Rainbow Six Quarantine.
The reason for the postponement of the three games was revealed by Frederick Duguet as Ubisoft’s Chief Financial Officer. Frederick said that the postponement of the release schedule of the three games in order to optimize so that it can be released on next-generation console. This step was taken in light of the console launch PlayStation 5 which will be released at the end of 2021. Of course, as a developer, Ubisoft don’t want to waste it. They want their latest games to be played on the latest consoles that will come.
On game Watch Dogs: Legion On your own, you play several characters in completing each of the existing missions. This game, which is set in the city of London, allows you to seize NPCs to join members of a hacking group called Dedsec.
Watch Dogs: Legion you can play on PlayStation 4, (PlayStation 5, later hehe), Xbox One, PC and Google Stadia.
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