Confused? This is the difference between Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield

Less than a month away, Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield will be officially released. Of the two series that were released, there must have been confusion to buy Pokemon Sword or Sheild. Many players also decide based on the title alone. While there are also those who buy based on the legendary pokemon that are present such as, Zacian and Zamazenta, and other exclusive versions. But there are also those who choose to buy a package consisting of both. Now! Instead of being confused which one to buy, Gamexran I will tell you what the difference is Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield.
Pokemon Sword
Legendary Mascot: Pokemon Sword’s legendary mascot is Zacian who uses a sword. Currently, the type is unknown.
Exclusive Pokemon: Deino and its evolved forms (Zweilous and Hydraigon), Jangmo-o and their evolved forms (Hakamo-o and Kommo-o), and Sirfetch, new evolution Farfetch’d. At the time this article was published, it was uncertain whether Farfetch’d also exclusive to Pokemon Sword or just evolution.
Exclusive Gym Leader: A new feature coming to gen 8 is the addition of exclusive Gym Leaders, who are assigned to specific leagues in each match. Possible players Pokemon Sword will face a Fighting-type Gym Leader, Customs.
Miscellaneous Exclusives: Previous games like Sun and moon, Both have unique features namely, Totem-Sized Pokemon and Ultra Recon Squad, which has a different Pokemon or time difference that can appear in Sword and Shield.
Pokemon Shield
Legendary Mascots: If Pokemon Sword has Zaican, then Pokemon Shield has Zamazenta. Currently, the type is unknown.
Exclusive Pokemon: Larvitars and their evolved forms (Pupitar and Tyranitar), Goomy and his evolving form (Sliggoo, Goodra), and Ponyta Galarian. Whereas for Galarian Rapidash not yet confirmed, but it might also be a pokemon exclusive to Pokemon Shield.
Exclusive Gym Leader: Pokemon Shield players will face off against a Ghost-type Gym Leader, Allister.
Miscellaneous Exclusives: There are currently no exclusive features present in the 8th generation.
That’s the difference between Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. From the information above, I hope it can help you to decide which series to buy, Gaess. Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield are releasing November 15th exclusively on Nintendo Switch.
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