Brain Test Answer Key 2 The Adventures of the Mpus Level 1 – 26
Still playing this annoying brain teaser game, Brain Test, right? Okay, after previously Kabar Games had informed the answer key for Jojo the Hunter’s Brain Test 2, this time we will discuss another Tricky Stories brain teaser question, namely the Adventures of the Mpus & Nkus from level 1 to level 26.
As far as Game News knows, there are a total of 26 questions that you must solve in this Brain Test 2 Tricky Stories game. Can’t wait right? Immediately, here is the answer key for the most complete Brain Test 2 Adventure game from level 1 to level 26 using Indonesian.
Level 1
Question: This is Mpus. Come on, be friends with him.
Answer: Rubbing his head until he smiled widely.
Level 2
Question: Is there anything to eat?
Answer: Slide the apple on the plate and give the chicken thigh behind it to the Mpus.
Level 3
Question: It’s not fair! Si Mpus wants fish too!
Answer: Click on the television to change the channel, and give the fish to the Mpus when the master’s attention is turned to the TV.
Level 4
Question: Si Mpus wants to play the biggest ball of yarn.
Answer: Bring the five balls of yarn together to make one large ball of yarn.
Level 5
Question: Ouch! The employer is angry because a rat is roaming in the house.
Answer: Slide the balloon to the master so he blows it. Repeat up to 3 times to make the balloon pop and wake the Mpus. Then, point the Mpus at the mouse.
Level 6
Question: The mouse seems hungry, try to get some cheese.
Answer: Turn the bowl down with your fingers, then beat it up and down to drop the cheese.
Level 7
Question: They both had to run away from that house.
Answer: Click on the remote to turn on the TV, then when the employer wakes up pour water on the sofa where he was sleeping. He will go back to sleep but his pants will get wet and he will take them off. Take the key from his trouser pocket and lead it to the door.
Level 8
Question: Had to go through this alley, but the dogs were all fierce.
Answer: Shake the phone to make the dog sleeping on the trash can fall. Then open the trash can and take out the bone inside. Put a bone in the street and the dogs will scramble to pick it up.
Level 9
Question: The Mpus is exhausted, but the journey must continue!
Answer: Take the scent streaks from the meat and drag them over to the Mpus to wake him up.
Level 10
Question: Meet him first then love, help Mpus win his heart.
Answer: Take the key from the police pants and use it to open the cage door. The dog will come out and chase the rival cats of the Mpus. Then direct the mouse to the left rear leg of the chair so that the chocolate falls from the hands of the person sitting in the chair. Give chocolate to the female cat to win her heart.
Level 11
Question: They had to disguise themselves to get on the plane.
Answer: Take water from the cleaning service and splash it on the staff to make it fall and slip. Click on the suitcase to remove its contents, and dress the Mpus in a suit. Point the mouse at the person wearing the hat so that he will startle and the hat will come off. Once released, give the hat to the Mpus.
Level 12
Question: The plane is going through turbulence. Beware!
Answer: Rotate the phone 90 degrees like viewing it in landscape mode. Then, tilt the phone up and down to balance the plane until the timer finishes.
Level 13
Question: Sitting is not comfortable. Gotta do something.
Answer: Move the suitcase to the side, then click on the seat lever to advance the seat of the person in front. Take the smelly socks of the front passenger, and put them on the person who is fast asleep next to the Mpus, so that he wakes up.
Level 14
Question: Wow, wrong course! Had to jump while the plane was flying over Africa.
Answer: Align the clouds under the plane under the cat and mouse. Then click on the cat and mouse to make them jump from the plane.
Level 15
Question: The Nkus was caught by the monkey. Go after him!
Answer: Click on the ant house next to the monkey to get the ants out. Then put the Mpus on the frog’s back. Slide the leaf over the water twice to create a foothold for the frog to cross.
Level 16
Question: This time the monkey must be caught!
Answer: Direct the Mpus to the monkey so that it will move under the coconut tree. Then move the Mpus to the side of the tree so that the monkeys have nowhere to run. After that tap on the coconut tree to drop the coconut on the monkey’s head.
Level 17
Question: How did they get through the hot desert?
Answer: Take a vulture feather and heat it in the sun until it burns. Use the feathers to make a bonfire. Once the bonfire is lit, use the smoke to cover the sun.
Level 18
Question: They are hungry, while the lion cub is enjoying the meat!
Answer: Cover all holes with stones except the one in front of the lion cub. Then click on the mole, it will hide and reappear in the hole in front of the lion cub. The lion cub will be shocked and leave the meat. Give the meat to the Mpus.
Level 19
Question: The lion cub incident makes the lions go berserk! They have to hide.
Answer: Shake the phone so that the leaves fall. Wait for the lions to look to the left and move Mpus and Nkus one by one.
Level 20
Question: They got caught by the lions! Jump across to dodge!
Answer: Place the hippopotamus on a tree, then swing the tree like a slingshot. The hippopotamus will hit the giraffe and make it collapse. Giraffes can be used as bridges.
Level 21
Question: This pack of wolves is also the Lion King’s orders!
Answer: Slide the bird over the elephant’s head. Then click repeatedly on the bird so that it drops the stone it is carrying. After the elephant wakes up, slide the mouse over the elephant to scare it. The elephant will run towards the wolves and make them go away.
Level 22
Question: Help them escape from the lion’s pursuit!
Answer: Once the Mpus and Nkus have crossed, shake the phone to knock down the bridge.
Level 23
Question: Like it or not, they have to find friends.
Answer: Move the donkeys to where the bulls sleep, then move the crabs under them to wake the bulls. Give the banana under the bull to the gorilla.
Level 24
Question: Watch out! These snakes can smell our fear!
Answer: Drag the word ‘fear’ from the question to the fire. Drag the green smoke from the bonfire onto the lion, and the snake will chase the lion.
Level 25
Question: Thanks to delicious bananas, the gorilla is willing to defend you from the lions.
Answer: Click on the turtle so it hides in its shell. Drag the tortoise onto the gorilla’s head to make it into a helmet. Then stroke the gorilla’s arm to make it big, and click the ‘Fight’ button.
Level 26
Question: It’s the Lion King! Let’s beat him.
Answer: Pick up the gorilla and drop it on the mushroom to make it jump at the lion. After the lion falls, take a branch from the tree and put it in the hole so the snake can get out of it. After the lion falls again, take the apples from the tree and give them to the wild boar. He will fart and defeat the Lion King.
So that was all the answer keys for the game Brain Test 2 The most complete Adventure of Mpus & Nkus (Tricky Stories) from level 1 to level 26 along with how to solve the question. Don’t forget to check other puzzle games Math Riddles, Kidding Me, Brain King and Brain Out then leave a comment if you think the answer is wrong! Stay tuned for the latest and updated news about games, gadgets and anime only at Kabar Games.
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