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Abandoned, This Game That Is Considered Silent Hill Will Be Released To PC Too

Haven’t come to the surface for a long time now Blue Box Studios Finally back with the latest news. They had announced that they would Exclusive PlayStation 5, it turns out Abandoned will also be released to other platforms as well. As we mentioned in the title, Abandoned will eventually be released also to the PC platform. Curious about what it’s like? Let’s continue to follow this discussion from us.

Do you still remember the game Abandoned this one? Yup, Abandoned first announced last April. The game itself takes the concept of First-person Horror Survival which is reportedly going to be released for PlayStation 5 exclusively. Because it almost has an atmosphere similar to the game made by Hideo Kojima, Abandoned was considered the newest game from the Silent Hill franchise. However, is this really true?

Abandoned Officially Released to PC Platform

Abandoned Officially Released To PC Platform

Before we discuss further, we will first provide news that Abandoned will also officially be released to the PC platform. This is proven directly through Social Media posts Blue Box Studios’ Twitter. In this post, they are answering gamers’ questions about this game. One of the gamers finally gave a statement that he did not have a PS5 console. Then, the Dev immediately provided a solution.

Abandoned is finally officially coming to PC. However, as of this writing, there is no information about its development and release date. Abandoned itself is not a game title, but the Code Name of a project. Many gamers end up connecting this game to a secret project that Kojima or Konami are currently working on. Even though Blue Box has often dismissed these rumors, gamers still don’t believe it.

Have a Strong Relationship With Kojima’s Silent Hill Game?

This event does not arise without a reason. A few weeks ago, Blue Box Studio had given an information update that this game will have a title with the initials “S” and the final letter “L”. Sure enough, seeing this, gamers were immediately busy and concluded that this game was really “Silent Hill”. Rumors are getting stronger because the director, Hasan Kahraman, doesn’t have a profile photo.

But unfortunately, this rumor was again denied by them by providing the original video of Hasan Kahraman’s face which immediately gave clarification. But will this speculation stop there? It doesn’t seem that fast. Gamers still continue to insist on digging the truth. Even now, rumors about the relationship between Abandoned and Silent Hill are still circulating through several well-known social media.

What do you think about this game, is Abandoned really Silent Hill? This game is planned to be released in 2021, but the release date is still a secret. Later you can access this game via PC and PS5 platforms. As usual, PC users can buy their games via the Digital Steam Store platform. So happy waiting!.

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