5 Easter Eggs in Among Us That You Missed and Didn't Realize

5 Easter Eggs in Among Us That You Missed and Didn’t Realize – Play Among Us? It turns out that Among Us has Easter eggs, here are 5 easter eggs in Among Us.
Every game must have an easter egg that will lead to another game, another movie or something else. But to find easter eggs in a game is not an easy matter, Gaess. Usually the developer will put the easter egg in a position that the players are not aware of or may even miss.
Including Among Us which of course has a lot of easter eggs in the game. For those of you who are curious and want to know what easter eggs are in the Among Us game. Gamexran has prepared information about the Easter Egg Among Us that you might have missed and didn’t realize.
5 Easter Eggs in Among Us
1. Brain Slug Keychain
At the beginning of the Polus map, players will have a task to enter the key before finally being able to enter other facilities. Most players will quickly enter the key and run to complete another task.
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In fact, there is one Easter egg Among Us in this task, namely the Brain Slug keychain that players use to open doors. Brain Slug is an easter egg from the TV show Futurama. It is said that in the universe there is a parasitic creature that attaches to a person’s brain. This creature will hijack control over one’s body.
2. Terminator Thumbs Up
The essence of the Among Us game is to find out who is the impostor among the crewmates. Players will vote for players suspected of being impostors. Whoever gets the most votes will get off the plane. On the Polus map, the player who gets the most votes will be issued with an animation of being dropped into a lava pool.
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Often players will sink into the lava quickly, but occasionally players will give their thumbs up as they sink. Thumbs up or thumbs up is one of the easter eggs in Among which is the final part of Terminator 2. In which the T-800 kills itself by dropping itself into lava or lava.
3. Henry Stickmin Diamond
Players who become crewmates will have several tasks to complete. One of the tasks is to empty the garbage dump. Usually there will be a lot of garbage consisting of leaves and diamonds. Have you ever thought that throwing away diamonds is a strange thing because of its very valuable value.
But what players don’t realize is that the diamond is one of the easter eggs in Among Us. For those of you who don’t know, the game developer Among Us. InnerSloth is known for another online game franchise, namely Henry Stickmin. In one episode of Henry Stickmin, Henry is tasked with stealing a large diamond. Both the diamonds in Among Us and Henry Stickmin are related.
4. Watering the Trees on Map MIRA HQ
If you play on the MIRA HQ map, there is a Garden section where you will do the task of watering the trees in the pots. Before that, of course, you have to get a place to flush first from storage. Then the player will go to the Garden area and water the four plants.
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What the player doesn’t notice is one of the number three plants from the left. Aware players will know that this is one of the ‘Korok’ plants from the game series The Legend of Zelda.
5. Elmer’s Hat
Among Us has players provide many skins that can be unlocked including hats and pets. Of the many hats that can be used by players, but there is one hat that is an easter egg in Among Us. The hats or hats come from one of the Loony Tunes characters, Elmer Fudd.
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Those are 5 easter eggs in Among Us that you might have missed and didn’t realize. How? After reading this article, will you try to find the easter eggs or try to solve other easter eggs in Among Us? Source: TheGamer.
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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About the author: @ransltn
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