2017 Vainglory Championship Finals in Southeast Asia
On 17 August 2017, the organizers of the annual Singapore Toy Game & Comic Convention announced that it would host an international tournament for the 2017 Vainglory Championship Finals, as well as a tournament for 2 other eSports games. This news is announced at the same time as the announcement of the 16 new guests who will be attending the 10th edition of the convention taking place at Marina Bay Sands. The Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention held the Vainglory tournament along with the DotA 2 and CS:GO tournaments.
STGCC Tournaments and Games
The committee of the annual Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention dedicated the entire event hall to the GGXP gaming zone. There will be game products that can be played directly by visitors, in addition to displaying eSports game tournaments which are very tempting to watch.
The Vainglory international tournament which was held at the Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention event was the 2017 Southeast Asia Vainglory Championship Final. As for the MOBA DotA 2 games and Steam CS:GO games, they are the Singapore Masters ROG 2017 qualifications. All three were held at this event thanks to the committee’s collaboration with Gam3.Asia, and Asus.
The Vainglory international tournament held on 10 September 2017 will feature the top four teams in the semifinals of the 2017 Vainglory Southeast Asia Championships. The four teams will fight to get to the grand final. The prize for the winner of the grand final will get money worth 5,000 US dollars.
As for the other two games, namely DotA 2 and also CS:GO will feature the top two teams in the best playoffs of the three playoffs in the Singapore Masters ROG 2017 Qualification. The first winner in the qualification will get 5,000 Singapore dollars, the second winner 3,000 Singapore dollars, and the third winner 2,000 Singapore dollars.
That’s the latest game news that comes from the mobile game eSports Vainglory about the Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention committee holding the Vainglory tournament. Mobile eSports games with the MOBA genre are currently popular, so make sure you try these games, and make sure to also read articles about these games only at Kabargames.id!
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